
Nov 17, 2007 16:50

Title: Revelation
Author: lovesarequiem
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: vam
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the laptop I'm writing on. AU, obviously never happened.

Summary: Revelation: announcement, betrayal, communication, discovery, exposure, unveiling.
A slip-up in heaven means that the devout Margera family are mistakenly sent to Hell, but are Heaven and Hell as black and white as the family have always believed?

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Thankyou to everyone who commented and my beta disaster42 who's tried to get rid of any typos or mistakes. So, without further ramblings, here's the chapter:

Bam’s alcohol clouded brain could barely understand what had compelled him to lean forward. To once again taste those lips, more delicious than any he’d partaken in on Earth.

This man, no: This demon, who was tracing chocolate on his body, was tantalizing him… tempting him. At one point, Bam would’ve called this beauty angelic, but now he knew better; Ville possessed a dark beauty, a forbidden beauty. Perhaps that explained it; the forbidden was within his reach. After all Bam is only human, and isn’t it so very human to desire that which we, not necessarily couldn’t, but shouldn’t have?

Regardless, Bam’s mouth was pressed against Ville’s, who was momentarily frozen with shock, but before Bam could pull away Ville began to reciprocate. The chocolate coating Bam’s lips smudged as they slid against Ville’s; both fighting the ingrained urge to breathe.

Pulling away slightly, their hot breath momentarily mingled in the air. Tilting his head to the side, Ville’s tongue languidly traced Bam’s bottom lip. Collecting the chocolate on the tip of his tongue it was eagerly shared with Bam when he gasped, parting his lips to allow Ville entry.

Wanting to deepen the kiss even more Ville placed one hand behind Bam’s head and the other in his hip; pulling the unresisting form to straddle his lap. The chocolate design was mirrored on Ville’s chest as Bam wrapped his arms round Ville, pressing their chests together.

Eventually Ville pulled back, panting slightly, his eyes, now deep pools of black rimmed with green.

Staring slightly in wonder Bam reached up to Ville’s face, hesitated, then gently traced Ville’s teeth, or more particularly his canines, which were sharper and more prominent than before. Ville shivered as Bam lightly pressed the pad of his thumb against the point, not-quite breaking the skin.

Ville’s gaze was drawn to a drop of chocolate rolling down Bam’s neck, and having the sudden urge, bent his head to Bam’s neck to follow its path with his tongue. A moan escaped Bam’s lips as Ville pushed him onto his back in order to re-trace the entire pattern with his mouth, occasionally collecting the chocolate on his tongue in order to share it with Bam. He finally came to Bam’s belly button where some of the chocolate had pooled; with a wicked grin he dipped his tongue into Bam’s bellybutton.

There was a hollow thud, glancing up Ville saw that the thud had been Bam’s head connecting with the floor. The superior smirk gracing his face changed to a pout as he realized that the alcohol had caught up with Bam and he had simply passed out.

Jyrki’s voice brought him back to the present, “I knew mortals couldn’t hold their alcohol!”

This triggered Ville’s thoughts; mortal?... Mortal. “Oh fuck! Bam’s a mortal!” Ville hurriedly backed away from Bam’s prone form.

“Well no shit Sherlock; you’ve only known that for the past 2 days.” Ville glared at Jonne. “Why? Is that a problem?”

“I forgot he’s a mortal. And of course it’s a problem! If he commits such a big ‘sin’,” Ville inserted air quotes with his fingers, “Then even though he’s in Hell he’s screwed.” A bitter note crept into his voice, “He’ll never go to heaven.”

Jonne got up from where he’d been watching the show and padded over to where Ville was kneeling on the floor, head downcast. Carefully Jonne placed his hands on Ville’s face and tilted his head upwards so that he could look into Ville’s eyes.
(All earth users eyes, Ville’s included, would show exactly what emotions that person was feeling. As a result most Earth elementals saw the world from behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses.)

“You really care about him.” It wasn’t a question.

“I just…” Ville gave a dejected sigh, “…I don’t know. Yesterday I wouldn’t have cared, didn’t care. I’d have been perfectly happy to let him rot in the human part of Hell.” He pulled his head from Jonne’s hand.
“Why do I care?”

It had been a rhetorical question but Jonne, being Jonne, answered it anyway.
“Well duh, any idiot could figure that out… It’s because he watched The Nightmare before Christmas with you.” The conviction in Jonne’s voice made Ville smile in spite of himself.

“I guess you’re right.” His smile turned shark-like, “I don’t suppose you’ll watch it with me tomorrow?”

Jonne stepped back, a brief look of horror overtaking his face. Fortunately Jyrki, knowing that if Jonne went then he’d be forced to go too, came up with a timely excuse.

“Volleyball… Practise session, we’re both going.” Ville raised a speculative eyebrow. Normally Jyrki avoided physical activity like the plague.

“Yeah, uh Jonne’s calling in a favour I owed, needed another sub. You know how vicious the Angels are.” Jyrki looked at Jonne who began nodding emphatically.
“We’ll be gone all day.”

“All day? But I have to go to work! And I can’t take Bam with me.”

“Why not? I’m sure he’ll help you come up with some great ideas.”

“Ohh, my head!” Bam groaned before realizing the sound made his head hurt even more. He wanted to go back to sleep but was forced to stagger to the bathroom in order to throw up what felt like the entire contents of his stomach.

“That’s disgusting, mortals are gross.” A voice came from behind Bam, who had only just stood up, causing him to turn quickly. Not a good idea. Therefore it was no big surprise when his feet slipped on the tiled flooring, causing him to fall into the bathtub. Right on top of Jyrki, the owner of said voice.

Jonne, hearing the commotion, walked into the room; once more with a blinding smile on his face.
“Oh ignore him, the hypocrite puked before he went to sleep and probably can’t remember, either that or he has a really shitty headache. I’ll go with both.”

Jonne hauled Bam off Jyrki and out the tub. Bam leant slightly on him as he waited for the nausea pass.

“Speaking of memory, what the hell happened last night?”

Jonne stopped poking Jyrki with a toothbrush to look at Bam. “You don’t remember?”

Bam, finally standing on his own without swaying, shrugged. “Nope, just bits and pieces like the fact Jyrki dyes his wings black, Ville balancing a glass of water on his head and you…” Bam got a puzzled look on his face, “…you sang Mary had a Little Lamb? Why were you singing that?”

“It was your fault.” Jonne glared at Bam, “You even filmed it if I’m not mistaken. So nothing else?”

Bam shook his head, a thoughtful look on his face, “Nothing much, except my mind is telling me that if I get an X-ray then it’ll glow and that it’s his fault.” He cocked his head to where Jyrki was using the shower head to lever himself out the bath, landing with a thud at their feet.

“Right, coffee, painkillers and then volleyball; otherwise known as the ‘run as far and fast as possible from that damn movie’ plan.” Jyrki, the one who’d been speaking, pulled on Bam in order to get to his feet. “Onward to coffee. Move it.” He gave Bam a shove and the 3 of them went into the kitchen, where a sleepy Ville was sat clutching a large mug of coffee to his chest.

“Morning.” His voice sounded somewhat strained.

Jyrki ignored him in favour of an obscenely large jar of painkillers. Jonne went up to Ville and whispered something Bam couldn’t make out before heading to the coffee pot. Bam motioned for Jonne to get him some coffee and sat beside Ville, puzzled when he didn’t look up at him.

“Morning. Hey, how is it morning with like sunlight and everything while we’re underground?” This had been puzzling him for a while but Ville just shrugged.

Still not looking up but sensing Bam would ask again he decided to elaborate. “It’s best to accept that it just is. The physics of having night and day underground are too complicated at any time, let alone morning.”

Jonne came over and handed Bam a coffee. “Me and Jyrki are going out now, you can stay in and watch a movie with Ville if you like before he has to go to work, go with him; his work is fun.”

There was a soft clink; Ville finally looked up his mood appearing to have dried up when he took the last gulp of coffee and set the mug on the table. Pointedly looking at Bam he allowed a grin to form on his face.

“Ok, the plan for today: While these cowards are running off we’re going to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas…” He paused, wanting to see if Bam had a negative reaction but was pleasantly surprised when Bam’s mouth flickered into a smile. “Next we’re going to get ready for a busy day of coming up with unique punishments-” Jonne cut in.

“Think of them as cruel, elaborate pranks and you’ll be fine.”

Ville stood up and disappeared from the room at the sound of a small bell. He came back in with 2 letters in his hand, once more reclining on a chair he slit the first one open and took out a piece of paper to read.

“Hmmm... It says your family,” He gestured at Bam while keeping his eyes fixed on the letter, “Are going to remain where they are for the time being as it’s too much trouble to bother with moving them at the moment.” He slit open the other letter, read for a moment before a look of pure joy with a hint of malice appeared on his face. “They’ve caught him! And they’ve sent him to my department! Oh this is going to be great, but first…” Ville stood up, fetched another cup of coffee and motioned for Bam to follow him into the living room.

With all haste, Jonne grabbed Jyrki and ran from the apartment, slamming the front door just as the opening notes of ‘This is Halloween’ reached their ears.

Unlike 2 days ago Bam and Ville had started off on opposite ends of the couch, after all Bam now knew the words, but unconsciously they drifted closer until by the point the credits began to appear onscreen they were sitting side-by-side. The credits seemed to remind Ville he had other things to do and shoved Bam off the couch, a cheeky grin forming on his face when Bam glared.

“Go get ready, I’ve got an idea I want to test out but you deserve to see it too.”

Half an hour later saw the two of them sat in a fairly spacious office littered with notebooks, sheet music, a bass guitar and a chest wrapped in chains and padlocks. This was obviously Ville’s office as, regardless of the things lying around that practically screamed Ville, it had his name on a plaque on the door, below this was another plaque reading ‘Safe to Enter, has had caffeine’.

Ville motioned for Bam to take a seat opposite where he sat on his desk, “Quick lesson on divine punishments. If an angel screws up when in Heaven then as long as he or she doesn’t declare War on god he or she will be sent to Hell for a short period of time and not become a permanent member. The angel who governed your area, Achaia, is a perfect example as he messed up and tried to run however was caught up with.” Ville had childish wonderment in his eyes as he described this, so it was fairly clear that this rarely happened. “So now I get to play with him…”

Achaia was sitting strapped to a chair in a barren room when everything started to blur together and he was standing in a muddy field, a sign stuck in the earth beside his foot. Bending down so it was at eye level he attempted to read the faded, mud covered sign; with a sickening lurch in his gut he realized the sign read ‘Minefield, tread carefully.’

Back in the office Ville and Bam were watching this on a small screen, “...and I chose minesweeper.”

As they watched the hapless angel begin to wade through the mud Bam bit his lip but soon started laughing; Ville’s sense of humour was slightly sick but oh so entertaining.

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