To Love And Be Loved

Oct 04, 2007 19:30

  Title: To Love And Be Loved
Summary: Flying Frozen Chickens, Paint Fumes, Lip Gloss, Booze.......Oh, yeah, and man sex!----Ville's old friend helps Bam and Ville discover the passion between them....But not without many mistakes along the way......

Pairing: VAM
Rating: R-Language and Adult Situations
Genre: Romance/Comedy/Angst
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them....And their bodies...But I don't, so don't sue.

Hey lovlies!!!! You darling little comment whore here for your entertainment!!! Ny the way I want to thank......slasher48, sadeinightshade, lvr_girl616, lillithvalo,himgirl94 , cazrie666 and lipslikejon for reviewing, all THANKS to ALL of you that reviewed after I posted this! Ok, now some VERY good news.....Good News....VAM in next chapter......Bad News.....VAM is not until next chapter.......Yes, Bam gets beaten up by a woman in this chapter.......Sorry for that little bit had to happen...Oh and I will warn you however that the story is going to get thicker after these couple of chapters...secrets are going to come out....And not all of them are good......Ok, on with the story!!!!! Enjoy!!

Damn Regrets....

Fallon sighed heavily. She had once again made a blunder. She hadn't expected things to go the way they had, and quickly so.

She peeked into the kitchen just to see how the so called 'plan' was holding up and found Ville quietly sobbing with his knees folded close to him. His hair hung around him like a veil, giving his soul a moments second of mock security. Her heart broke at the sight of the slightly shaking form. She sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around the fallen singer.

Ville cried until the tears would come no more; only horrible dry wretches.

“I-I lov-love him.....” Ville said between hiccups.

Fallon gently lifted Ville's head in both her hands while her fingertips wiped away the few remaining kohl streaked tears. She looked into the stormy eyes of Ville, seeing what Bam had failed to see. She then proceeded into the pirate bar with determination etching her features.


Bam was a pitiful sight indeed. Hunched over the table with a shot of Black Velvet in one hand and Jack Daniels in the other. He knew whiskey did fucked up things to his mind. Made everything more surreal, like punching someone wouldn't hurt them at all.

Oh yeah, he knew it fucked him up real good, but he needed that sweet oblivion tonight. He weakly laughed to himself for no reason at all and downed the BV in one smooth gulp. Though the burning in the back of his throat was scalding, no amount of pain could compare to what his heart was feeling at that moment.

His idol, his best friend, his Ville was a fake. Sure he sang about the loss of love and how he could never achieve its sweet embrace, but in reality he was nothing, just another rock icon looking for a good laugh and fuck. He was everything his friends and himself stood against. He WAS the system, how ironic, eh? Bam half laughed half sobbed as he took the other shot.

Fallon either wanted to laugh until she cried or punch Bam in the nose. She just wasn't sure which she wanted to choose. She approached him but stopped when she caught what he was rambling.

“Fuckin'-hiccup-su'pid fuckin' men, all want to get laid-”

Fallon clenched her fists.

“-all fake-gulp-no love-hiccup-kick my ass-”

She got the gist of what Bam was saying. All sex and no love? Fallon once again made to walk over but Bam suddenly bolted from the stool to the cubby bathroom a few feat away. Fallon watched as good liquor was wasted. Bam heaved about three more times and got up on very wobbly knees. Fallon made to help the man, but heard something that made the blood roar in her ears.

“Al' Valo's fa'lt...” Bam mumbled while wiping his mouth.

Rage was long gone. Fury in its place. Fallon briskly walked over to Bam.

“H'ehy Fall-”


Fallon swiftly punched Bam squarely in the jaw. No hard enough to dislocate it, put pretty damn near. Blood was seen as one of the rings on Fallon's fist caught Bam's skin. Bam rushed to the sink.

“What the FUCK!”

“Glad to see you sober.” Fallon said curtly. She pointed to Bam who was currently stemming the massive blood flow from a rather small cut.

“YOU! You are so FUCKING DENSE!”

“Uh..” Bam blinked stupidly.

“Ville is in there-” She pointed to the kitchen.

“-crying his eyes out because of YOU-” She pointed to Bam.

“-AND possibly plotting the next new way to commit the act!”

Bam went to say something but she cut him off.

“but you-” She stabbed her finger into the middle of Bam's element logo tee.


Fallon continued, and she was pretty damn sure everyone could hear her, possibly the neighbors too.

“AND you know what else, BRANDON, HE wrote a song for YOU, he wanted to dedicate it to YOU on the next album to let YOU know how he felt, but YOU don't even CARE!”

Fallon turned slammed the bathroom door and proceeded to get drunk.


Ok, thats all for this chapter......Hint For Next Episode......Fedishes emerge as well as passion..............

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