(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 16:47

Story. For Heidi. This story was supposed to go totally differently...there was supposed to be far more smut and much more focus on a certain pair of very tight baseball trousers, but...whatever. Off to walk around in my new boots now...

Oh, and thanks to Marie, and DK, DO, NH.

This is so perfect…sitting on the couch with Bam in his living room, his feet in my lap as he gestures wildly, telling us all some story that I’m not really listening to and grinning like a madman. He’s perfect, come to think of it. I’ve got my hand pushed up the leg of his jeans, stroking his shin gently and just...remembering. Remembering when we met, when we first kissed, when we first made love, when we fell in love…and when he made this - being able to be together so openly, not just behind his locked and bolted bedroom door - possible. It wasn’t too long ago, either. In fact, it was just last night.

Yesterday was community service day in the Margera household. I dunno what I’m doing getting involved with such a fucking weird family, seriously… Anyway, let me take you back to the beginning.

I was woken up by Bam, crawling on top of me and biting my earlobe. I was, of course, since I had just spent the night in Bam’s bed, naked and Bam…Bam was wearing the next best thing to being naked. Some very, very tight baseball trousers and, for some reason, my boots. Hotness…I really, really wanted to pull him down on top of me and have him fuck me through the mattress, but he had other plans. Playing baseball in his living room plans. And apparently I had to come and watch, because he’d already spent enough time away from me that day and he wanted me as close as possible. I’d like to point out that at that point, it was 8.30am and his side of the bed was still warm, so he couldn’t have been away for that long… Anyway, I thought that was the cutest thing ever and so I agreed to be part of ‘Team Bam’. I let him dress me, and I do mean literally, and pull me downstairs so they could play.

I watched him run around in those damn trousers for a good hour before April ruined their game and all those filthy thoughts running through my head…she came in shrieking about them playing inside the house and then…community service day began. Goddamn…that was a boring assed day. Well, for me anyway, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. I stood, not at all amused, while they flipped over Vito’s car. I went with them while they fucked up some parking lot by building a little skate ramp on it. I got cold while they planted a sodding tree someplace. And of course, I was there when Bam found out that April had given away his shirts.

I have never seen him so pissed off. I don’t think he knew whether he wanted to yell or cry. The stupid cameras followed as he ran to his room to check his closet and I couldn’t get near him for a good half hour. Until he started to pelt everyone with paintballs, that is and the camera men disappeared into their van. Then I managed to run outside, grab Bam by his belt and drag him into the house. I dragged him - him yelling and swearing and stumbling every couple of steps as he tried to break free - all the way to his room where I kept a very firm hold on him until I had locked the door.

“What the fuck are you doing?”
“What the fuck am I doing? I’m not the one acting like a spoilt little brat Bam!”

That comment really didn’t have the effect that I thought it would have. Instead of him making some diva/drama queen comment about me, he stared, open mouthed for a second before he asked,

“…is that what you think I am?”
“No, Bam, I’m sorry. It isn’t, really. But…”
“But, I was, right?”

He sat down on the edge of the bed and dropped his head into his hands.

“Its okay, Bam…” I whispered as I sat beside him and stroked his back. “…we’ll go shopping tomorrow and I’ll buy you some new shirts, okay?”
“It wasn’t about the shirts Ville, not really.”
“Well…then what as it about?”
“Those shirts…they…”
“No, it sounds stupid.”
“Remind me of you…”
“Because! The grey one with the adio logo on it, that’s what I was wearing the first time I met you. And the black heartagram one, that what we were wearing first time we kissed…and…”

Well, I didn’t get to find out the rest because the pout on his lips while he told me The Sweetest Thing Ever were like a magnet, drawing me towards him and drowning out his speech completely. Then I had him back on the bed, kissing him and soothing him and making love to him, not letting him do anything apart from lie there and moan under my touch. His gentle cries and whimpers as he came for me brought tears to my eyes and I was planning on not letting him out of my sight or out of my arms for the rest of the day. But, he had a show to make…

He was MUCH happier though, bounding out of his room to organize the bowl of cereal for his mom to eat. I didn’t have a clue what he was planning so I was a bit confused as to why it was gonna take so much effort to pour April a bowl of cereal. Anyway, about three hours later, after he and Ape were friends again, and I had indeed been made to promise to take him shopping to get new clothes, he got up from my lap where he had been drinking wine out of a typically Bam ‘goth-medieval’ silver cup/glass thingy and declared it was time for Ape to ‘eat some damn cereal’.

I followed from a distance, partly because I wasn’t really too interested in watching April eat a bowl of cereal, but mainly because I was entranced by the way the long velvet coat he was wearing swayed as he walked. Fuck, he’s hot. So, he got April, dragged her into the room where he said he had the cereal ready, and we were greeted with…a cereal bowl the size of a paddling pool, full to the top with fruit loops.

Just when I thought he had completely flipped, DiCamillo’s head appeared from under the milk and then I knew for sure that my lover had lost his mind. He caught my eye, grinned and shrugged when I raised my eyebrow at him. So, everyone apart from Bam and myself ended up in the bowl of cereal and hilarity ensued for a while. Then the cameras left and they got out the bowl, had showers and changed their clothes and by the time they were done and not stinking of warm milk anymore, Bam and I were settled on the couch, watching a repeat of ‘Queer Eye’ on TV and drinking more wine.

Random conversation began, nothing too interesting or important. At some point, Ryan asked,

“Hey Bam, whatcha doing tomorrow? Wanna come on a mystery tour with us?”
“Can’t, going shopping…”
“Who with?”
“Oh…what for?”
“New t-shirts…”

There was a bit of a silence then - I think people were trying to decide whether Bam was over the whole t-shirt incident or not…Vito clearly decided to find out for sure. As soon as he opened his mouth I just wanted to punch him, but in the end, it all ended up pretty damn good.

“Uh, Bam…whydja freak out bout t-shirts?”

Bam, at this point, by the way, was half asleep and clearly not thinking right, because when he finished his next sentence, he looked just as shocked at what he’d said as everyone else in the room, myself included.

“Cause they reminded me of Vil’…”

That silence lasted a while, while people stared between him and me, and we stared at each other.

“Sorry…” he whispered after a minute.
“Its okay,” I replied, reaching for his hand.
“Bam…” April asked. “What is going on?”
“Ville and I…” he started, looking at me for support. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand tighter. “Ville’s my boyfriend.”

And so now, here we are. Almost exactly 24 hours later, sitting on the same couch, with his feet in my lap and he’s still telling that story. I’m amazed, and completely delighted, that they all accepted us straight away, no questions other than the inevitable, ‘how long have you been together’ and ‘why didn’t you tell us sooner’. I moved my stuff into Bam’s room and we didn’t bother to keep it down that night any of the four times that we made love. And none of them made fun of us or treated us weird this morning at breakfast. We still have my friends and family to tell though, but I’m not too worried about that, not now that we have at least one place we can be together without question or judgment.

He’s still telling that damn story…wonder what its about… I hear my name and my ears spring up like a dogs as I suddenly begin to pay attention. Its okay though, he wasn’t telling them anything embarrassing or weird, just a story about some fan of mine who got so excited when she met me backstage that she threw up all over the nearest person…which happened to be Bam. Was quite funny, really, until I remembered that I had to share a taxi back to the hotel with him. Yuck.

I squeeze his leg a bit and he turns to look at me, his eyes smiling as he keeps talking, and almost without taking a break in his sentence, he moves forwards so he’s on my lap and kisses me quickly, dropping an arm around my shoulders as he keeps telling the story. Perfect. Although…if I remember right, some very interesting things involving me, a bottle of shower gel and the massage setting on the shower followed the girl-throwing-up-on-Bam incident, so maybe I should just make sure he stops in time. Not really a story I want my boyfriend’s parents to hear! Excuse me…

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