(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 00:03

Okay, I'm finally done with Part 6..
Warning: Angst and not-happiness (Blame Cradle of Filth for that, I've been listening to them all day)

Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Please comment! :)
Anyway, here it is.

Bam woke the next morning and reached to the other side of his bed, trying to find Ville's beautiful, delicate hand to hold in his own. But he found himself reaching in vain, Ville wasn't there.

Ah, he must have went downstairs earlier-he probably didn't want to look too suspicious, being couped up in here with me all day. My parents would go crazy if they found out about Ville and I..He's so smart sometimes

Bam smiled to himself-this is the happiest he'd been in his whole life. Nothing could bring him down from this high..everything was going perfect.

He unwillingly got out of his bed and sat his feet on the cold floor. He went to his bathroom and showered, he really wanted to look and smell wonderful for Ville today. After he got out of the shower he dressed and walked down the steps-whistling the whole way down them. He strolled into the kitchen and gave April a 'good morning' kiss on the cheek.

"Well someone is in a good mood this morning!" she beamed.
"Yeah, I am.." he trailed off-still smiling.
"Bam..what happened with you and Jenn-I heard her shouting and cussing when she ran out the door..Did you two have a fight?"
"Yeah mom..Look Jenn and I broke up, it just wasn't working out.." he said.
"Oh okay..Well I know I'm probably the last person you want to tell about your relationship problems, but I'm always here for you" she said, and Bam knew she meant it.
"Thanks mom..I love you" he said as he wrapped his arms around her, no matter how much he picked on her and how much stuff he put her through-he loved her with all his heart.
"Hey mom, have you seen Ville?" he asked as he pulled away from her.
"Umm..he left this morning for the airport, didn't he tell you? I guess he was in a hurry, he left without even having breakfast!" she said.
Bam's stomach dropped.

He left? Why would he leave after last night? We sorted everything out with Jenn and he seemed so happy..

"Bam..are you okay? What's wrong honey?" April asked, her face full of concern.
"I'm leaving mom-I'll call you later!" he yelled as he ran outside.

Bam got into his Hummer and drove to the airport-searching for Ville. He asked one of the attendents if a flight to Finland had left already this morning..The attendent said it had left about 2 hours earlier.

FUCK! I can't believe this..I've got to go meet him there, I just can't believe he did this..after what he said to me last night..

He checked to see when the next flight to Helsinki was. It was leaving in an hour. He didn't want to wait that long but he knew he had no other choice. He went to the nearest ticket window and bought a coach ticket for the flight (he'd left in such a hurry he forgot to get extra money)..the time crept by so slowly as he sat in the airport, when the time came for his plane to depart, he ran towards it, thrusting his ticket to the flight attendent as he ran aboard.

That flight was one of the worst Bam had in his whole life. He felt sick and nervous the whole time-all he could think about was the fact that Ville had left him there. The more he thought of it the worse he felt, he'd never been this sad in his life. He cried silently to himself the whole ride there. When it came time to get off of the plane, Bam ran through the aisle-pushing people out of his way.
Once he was off the plane, he caught the nearest taxi and told them exactly where to go. Bam had only been to Ville's house once, but he knew the way there by heart. He tipped the cab driver and got out of the cab, and there he stood outside of Ville's apartment.

Shit..I can't believe I'm doing this..

He sucked in a deep breath and walked towards Ville's door. He knocked and at first there was no answer.
He knocked again-this time he heard footsteps inside and then-

"Hang on jussst a minuttte" Ville slurred-Bam knew he'd been drinking.
A few seconds later Ville had opened the door and was standing in the doorway (and not to Bam's surprise) with a bottle of liquor in his hand.
"Ville! Why the hell did you fucking leave without even telling me?!" Bam screamed with his eyes full of tears, he realized it would be impossible to control his emotions now.
Ville looked at him drunkenly as he swaggered a bit and said,
"Bam, sweetheart, could you pleassse come inside. I don't want the whole bloody neighborhood to hear our little quarrel, love." Bam couldn't help but notice that Ville didn't seem too upset, in fact he didn't seem upset at all.
Bam walked quickly past Ville and into his living room, finding Linde and Burton there. And much to Bam's displeasure he noticed that Linde was shirtless.

Ville noticed that Bam was upset-even through his own drunkenness.

Bam knew about Linde and I, about our little affair. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it little-we've been together on and off since he joined the band. I just couldn't resist him, he's beautiful in every way possible-almost like Bam. Almost. No one could ever be as perfect as Bam-but Linde does give a good competition

Ville grinned a little as he thought of this, even though he knew the situation wasn't one that called for him to look happy-he just couldn't help himself. He didn't want to see Bam hurting but he he'd had to watch Bam and Jenn make out all those times and look so happy, maybe it was his turn to make Bam feel the way he had felt on so many occasions.

"Hey Bam!" Burton said to Bam as he walked in.
Bam waved in his direction, not taking his eyes off Linde.

Linde noticed the look on Bam's face-he recognized the jealousy in his eyes. Linde had never liked Bam much, since he started hanging around Ville was with Bam all the time.
"Oh hey Bam..how's it going?" he sneered.

Bam felt a hot surge of anger run through him,

Fuck-I'm not going to be able to deal with this shit. I hate to see Ville and Linde so happy together..I can't help but think that something was happening with them..

Ville interrupted his thoughts,
"Look Bam, I'm sssorry about leaving love, but the band needed me here."
"Yeah, you look like you had a lot of important things to do.." Bam said sarcastically.
"Come on Bam, you're not becoming Ville's old woman now are you?" Burton laughed.
Ville and Linde both cackled at this-Bam became even more angry.

Now he's making a fucking joke about it..and I flew all the way out here to see him!

"Look Ville, can you come to the kitchen with me for a minute?" Bam seethed as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Ha..ha..yeah hang on" Ville staggered into the kitchen behind him.
"What the hell is going on Ville? You left me alone this morning-and then I came all the way out here to find you with Linde?" Bam was on the verge of tears again.
Ville laughed again, "Ha..Love, he's in the band, you'll have to get used to me being with him"
Bam felt himself begin to break, he wasn't even angry anymore, just heartbroken.

Ville doesn't even care at all..And to think-he's the one that said he'd been wanting to tell me his feelings for me..

"Look sssweetheart-you can crash in the guest room tonight, me and the guys are so completely wasted-we're going to bed now.." and he sat down his liquor on the table (which he'd held onto the whole time) and walked into the living room.

Tears were flowing from Bam's eyes in steady streams, he sat there for almost an hour drowning in his sadness. He silently got up and went to the guest room-on his way noticing that Burton was asleep on Ville's couch and Linde was asleep in the floor.. Ville had been too drunk to make it to his own room so he was laying in the floor as well, his head resting on Linde's bare stomach.
Bam felt sick at this sight and continued to the guest room where he cried himself to sleep..
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