In Joy and Sorrow Ch.11

Apr 30, 2006 18:16

Title: In Joy and Sorrow
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Pairings: Implied Ville/Jonna, but final Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Summary: Bam and Ville are good friends, but Bam has always wondered if that would ever change. Maybe, his wish will come true, but at what price?
Disclaimer: Don’t own anyone or anything affiliated with Bam, Ville, HIM or their lives.

Sorry for the wait! But I think you will like this chapter! Enjoy!

Eleven: The Phone Call

The two men did nothing in particular that day.

The Pennsylvania cold forced Bam and Ville to stay indoors, both sitting by the window for hours at a time and watching the trees sway violently in the invisible wind. Bam would lie down on Ville’s exposed tattooed chest and he would let his lover run his hands aimlessly through his hair, his cold finger wrapping itself continually one of Bam’s many curls.

Bam snuggled his head into Ville’s soft chest, wrapping his arms around the older man as the two lay on the sofa by the window. From above him, he heard Ville let out a soft long sigh. Bam inclined his head up to see the older man staring out the window, unblinkingly, as if deep in thought. Ville’s hand still played, as of its own accord, with Bam’s hair. Ville’s green eyes looked incredibly tired and seemed as if he was trying to force them to stay open.

The skater wondered what Ville was thinking about but did not bother to ask, as the man looked too caught up in his thoughts to probably even hear the skater if he spoke. Instead, Bam nuzzled his head further into Ville’s chest, this finally getting the attention of the older man.

Ville glanced down and smiled at Bam softly, his pale face illuminated in the sunlight that had come through the window glass. Bam wrapped his arms tighter around the man and Ville moaned softly as he did this.

“What’s wrong Ville?” Bam finally whispered after another ten minutes of sitting together in silence.

Ville glanced down at Bam again and then whispered, “Nothing’s wrong baby…”

“Are you sure?” Bam asked, concerned. He sat up from Ville’s chest, the man looking over at him for a moment before turning his eyes away.

“Yeah I’m positive,” Ville muttered, sitting up straight, his back stiff.

“Ville, are you sure?” Bam repeated, the concern coming back in his voice.

“I said I’m fine!” Ville snapped, screaming and suddenly irritated.

Bam recoiled against the other end of the sofa once Ville yelled. The older man blinked slowly and then it dawned at him that he had just screamed at Bam. He looked horrified.

“I’m sorry,” he choked a moment later, staring at the frightened skater’s pale face.

“Its fine,” Bam whispered, wondering what the hell had caused Ville to yell.

The singer seemed to be thinking the same thing.

“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me,” Ville muttered suddenly, pulling his knees to himself and staring at the material of the sofa hopelessly.

“What do you mean?” Bam asked slowly, moving away from the corner and toward Ville again.

“I keep having these moods,” Ville continued, his voice barely audible. “And every time I have one, I take it out on you.”

“Ville you don’t-” Bam began, trying to take away the singer’s guilt, but Ville cut him off.

“Yes, I do,” Ville pressed, his deep voice cracking as he gripped his knees tighter so that his knuckles were whiter than paper. “And you don’t deserve any of my shit.”

“Ville you don’t give me any shit,” Bam insisted, now standing up from the sofa and walking over to the other end, leaning down to look at Ville’s watery pained green eyes. “Really man, you don’t.”

Ville did not say a word but instead, pursed his lips together as if trying to prevent himself from crying. Bam slowly placed his hands on Ville’s face and forced the singer to look up at him.

“Baby, please tell me what else is wrong,” Bam begged, his voice small.

Ville attempted to look away again, a tear falling silently down his cheek but Bam forced their eyes to look into each other’s again.

“Please,” Bam begged again, wiping away another tear that had fallen down the broken singer’s face.

“I-” Ville began, his voice suddenly becoming lost in his throat.

He looked frightened to go on, and his mouth hung open slightly.

Bam gave the man a soft kiss on the lips to encourage him on. When he pulled back, Ville looked momentarily shocked and then broke out into a slight smile.

“I’m just scared,” he finally breathed out, staring at Bam’s face to see the skater’s reaction.

“Scared?” Bam asked slowly, the grip on Ville’s cold cheeks becoming a bit tighter in his nervousness.

“Yes,” Ville muttered, running one of his fingers over Bam’s left hand absentmindedly. “I’ve never done this before.”

“You’ve never been in a relationship with a guy before?” Bam questioned.

Ville scoffed, frowning slightly.

“Of course I have darling. But…it’s never been this intense this fast,” Ville confessed, his deep voice low.

“I know what you mean,” Bam replied, taking his hands off Ville’s face and moving back onto the sofa with him.

The two men sat in silence for a moment until Bam spoke up.

“I’ve never even been in a relationship with a guy before,” Bam muttered.

“Well do you like it so far?” Ville questioned, staring into Bam’s sapphire blue eyes.

“Yeah,” Bam breathed out, his heart suddenly racing painfully against his ribcage.

“I do too,” Ville said sensually, his cold finger running over Bam’s hot cheek.

Bam blushed despite himself, both men staring into each other’s eyes. Ville’s finger ran down Bam’s cheek and slowly on his chapped lips, causing an uncontrollable shiver to go through Bam’s body. He gasped when he felt Ville grip his chin tightly, his eyes shining in lust.

“Tease,” Bam whispered to the singer, Ville’s eyes growing wide at his words.

Ville’s soft beautiful smile returned, his pale facing glowing. The two closed their eyes as Bam wrapped his hands around Ville’s hair, their lips coming together softly as they kissed with slow passion. Bam opened his mouth slightly, only to feel Ville’s warm tongue begging for entrance. Bam moaned into Ville’s mouth and let the older man tongue him, hot blood rushing down to his lower regions.

He could feel Ville’s cold hands leave his face and trace down Bam’s taut smooth chest. Bam broke the kiss and groaned aloud when Ville’s hand pinched his nipple, causing pleasurable pain to flow all through him. He tried to moan the singer’s name as he pinched his other nipple but the words could not leave his mouth. Ville slowly sent warm kisses down Bam’s chest, the younger man’s body shaking.

Both were so caught up in their pleasure that they did not hear the distant sound of the house phone ringing. Bam gasped as Ville suddenly slammed him into a wall, his loud moan of pleasure drowning out the sounds of the ringing going on in the background.

Ville desperately began to unzip Bam’s pants, pulling the fabric down his legs slowly, teasing as he did so. Bam was holding on to Ville’s still bruised shoulders, his grip tight over Ville’s hot flesh. He could feel the singer’s cold hands brush over the head of his erection, causing Bam’s eyes to shut and his body to shake even more.

But even though he was experiencing this pleasure, Bam couldn’t help but think something wasn’t right. In between their loud moans and gasps and kisses, Bam swore he heard the phone going off. Bam’s blue eyes suddenly opened as he felt Ville’s body warmth gone.

The older man had stopped his ministrations and was staring in the direction of the sound of the ringing. Without a word, Bam pulled up his pants and Ville (who had somehow managed to pull down his own) put his back on. Ville glanced at Bam for a moment.

“You heard the phone didn’t you?” Ville asked softly, not looking at all perturbed that they’re make out session had come to a halt.

“Yeah I heard it,” Bam breathed.

The phone had stopped ringing for a while as the two men stood in awkward silence. Suddenly it began to ring again.

Without a word Bam and Ville went straight out of the living room and toward the kitchen, walking briskly to try to get the phone this time. As soon as Bam entered, he half-lunged toward the counter and picked up the ringing and vibrating telephone.

“Hello?” he said into the reciever.

There was no answer for a moment. He could hear someone’s slight breathing. He stared over at Ville for a moment, who had taken a seat on a kitchen stool and from what Bam could see, had lost his erection.

“Hello?” Bam repeated.

The he heard a voice.

“I-I need to s-speak to Ville Valo,” came the broken English accent of a woman.

Bam stared at the tiles on the counter, suddenly frightened. Who the hell was this? And how did they know Ville was staying with him? How did they get his number?

“Who is this?” Bam asked sternly, Ville now staring at him, his green eyes perplexed.

“Please put on Ville,” came the woman’s voice.

Bam’s heart froze when he realized who it was. He felt the warm blood that had been flowing through his body a few minutes before turn directly to ice. His face paled considerably because Ville stood up rigidity from the stool he was sitting on and put his hand on Bam’s shoulder, causing the younger man to jump.

“Bam what’s wrong baby?” Ville asked, his voice filled with concern.

Bam could not answer him but instead, his mouth hung open stupidly by the receiver of the phone.

“Please put on Ville,” the woman repeated.

“J-Jonna?” Bam asked into the receiver, his voice small.

Next to him, he saw Ville’s face turn whiter than paper, his hand suddenly becoming colder than ice.

“How did you know Ville was here?” Bam asked suddenly, regaining his voice.

He could hear the woman sobbing on the other end.

“PLEASE put Ville on,” she moaned, her voice strained and in pain.

As if almost in a trance, Bam took the phone away from his ear and handed it blindly to Ville. The older man looked frightened and perplexed, but took the phone without a word.

“Hallo?” Bam heard Ville say into the phone.

There was not a word from the older man as he listened to what Jonna had to say. Bam slowly took a seat at one of the chairs in the kitchen, putting his head in his hands, feeling incredibly dizzy and sick.

When Bam looked up again, he immediately became alarmed. Ville was swaying violently, his entire body shaking uncontrollably, the phone now on the table, his knuckles pure white, his face green. Bam shot up from his chair and grabbed the singer before he could fall over.

“Ville what-”

But Bam could not get another word out as Ville suddenly broke into loud, wheezy sobs, his entire body crashing toward the floor. Bam yelped as he fell down with Ville, his side knocking into the corner of the table, cutting some of the skin on Bam’s back. Bam completely ignored the pain.

“Ville what happened?” he practically shouted, trying to get through to the man who was sobbing painfully on his shoulder.

Bam could not make out a word Ville was muttering between sobs and coughs, so he grabbed Ville firmly by his face and forced their eyes into each others for the second time that day. Ville’s were completely bloodshot, tearing rolling down uncontrollably, his green iris obscured by the redness of his eyes.

“Mige-” Ville choked out, wheezing worse than ever.

His eyes were wide as he continued to cry violently.

“Ville please tell me what happened!” Bam yelled desperately, his body shaking in his fright.

“Mige,” Ville wheezed, trying with difficulty to cease his crying.

“What happened to Mige?” Bam asked softly, suddenly fearing the worst.

“Car accident,” Ville moaned, now rocking back and forth, gripping his arm with such violence that his nails began to dig into the pale flesh.

Bam could not register what the man had just said as he forced Ville’s fingernails out of the singer’s arm. Blood was all over his arm as Ville began to hyperventilate.

“MIGE IS DYING!” he managed to choke out, grabbing for his arm again and forcing his nails in deeper.

“STOP!” Bam screamed, his blood turning even more so to ice. He held Ville’s hand down so he could not abuse himself any longer.

“I need to go back to Finland,” Ville said thickly, trying to stand up but falling back down with a dull thud.

“I-” Bam said stupidly, unable to think.

This was all happening to fast.

“Finland please,” Ville moaned again, rocking back and forth on his knees.

“I’ll take you to Finland,” Bam said suddenly, grabbing onto the singer’s shoulders and shaking him to get his attention. When the pained green eyes were boring into his he said again, “I will take you to Finland. Right now Ville. We’ll leave now, we’ll get to Finland in a few hours, I swear.”

Another tear rolled down Ville’s green cheek.

He nodded.

“I love you Bam,” Ville said suddenly, his voice small.

The skater’s eyes flew open in shock.


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