
May 02, 2006 18:11

Chapter 15
Author: Jordan
Pairing: Vam of course!
Rating: PG- 13 for language
Summary: Bam kissed Ville after saying that he'd been waiting to do it sincethey met . Bam then follows Ville back to Finland, for the new album, staying with Ville in his apartment... but will Ville ever find out what Bam meant, and how he feels?
ULTRA SPECIAL AUTHOR'S NOTES!: I've decided finally that this will be 20.. twenty...vingt..chapters. Plus maybe an epilogue if you guys want one. At the end, I will ask if your guys want one, or dont like the Ending I've been cooking up since Chapter 5.. that is all.

Sarcastic!Linde AHOY!

Links of doom!
1- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1436199.html
2- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1444390.html
3- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1448846.html
4- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1497904.html
5- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1502191.html
6- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1543166.html
7- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1561312.html
8- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1575885.html
9- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1587109.html
10- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1603057.html
11- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1634149.html
12- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1646470.html
13- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1717107.html
14- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1732380.html

“Waiting” Chapter 15

Ville went to go answer the door, muttering to himself, “When I was just about to find out… I’ll kill whoever it is with my bare hands… of all the times…” while walking toward the door.

He opened the door angrily, “What the fuck do you want?” He demanded, not caring who it was.

“Trouble in paradise?” Asked the blond.

“Linde, this is not a good time. You just interrupted the most important four second of my life.” Sighed Ville.

“What, was Bam about to give you a blow job?”

“I wish. He was just about to tell me how he feels about me, and then you rang the goddamned doorbell.”

“So that’s what all that swearing was.”

“Yeah, it was me. I’m still contemplating murdering you with my bare hands or not. Since we can’t have the band without you, I guess not.”

“Oh I feel so loved.” Linde said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the fellow Finn.

“You should.”

“So can I come in or not?” Asked Linde.

“Yeah, I guess. Let me go tell Bam it’s you who interrupted us.” Said Ville, letting Linde in.

“Make yourself at home.” Ville said before going back into the kitchen.

“So who the hell was it at the door?” Questioned Bam.

“It was Linde, I told him that I was going to kill him with my bare hands, but then told him I wouldn’t because we couldn’t have the band without him.”

“What did he want?”

“That I don’t know yet, he’s in the living room.”

“Well then let’s go fucking ask him.” Said Bam.

Bam started to rise from the chair he was sitting in, and then started to walk towards the living room, using whatever he could for balance.

“Do you want me to help you?” Asked Ville.

“No. I’m fine, I can manage by myself.” Said Bam stubbornly.

“Okay then.” Said Ville, walking into the living room.

“Woah, what happened to you?” Linde asked Bam when he finally made it into the room.

“Car accident.” Mumbled Bam.

“Looks like you got hit by a truck.” Stated Linde.

Ville quickly changed the subject, “So Linde, why are you here?”

“Why did you change the subject so quickly… oh my God, did you actually get hit by a truck Bam? I’m so sorry.”

“It was a car actually.” Said Bam, flopping his aching body down on the loveseat.

“I didn’t know, I swear. I’m really sorry, hope you feel better.”

“Thanks Linde.”

“So anyways, why are you here?” Questioned Ville.

“Seppo wanted me to deliver a message to you. So don’t kill me, I’m only the messenger boy.”

Ville sighed, “What did Seppo want you to tell me?”

“December 1st through the 8th, recording in the BMG studios, downtown.”

“Are you fucking serious!?! I still haven’t finished the album! And why is he planning this shit so far in advance? It’s only the last week in October.”

“Probably because he knows you haven’t finished it yet, and wants to give you time to finish it, while still forcing you to complete it by a certain date. So do you have a name for it yet?” Said Linde.

“I’m thinking ‘Until You’re Mine’ for the album title.”

Linde’s right eyebrow rose, “Okay then. Well I’ll leave you two be, Manna wanted me to be home by dinner anyways. Call me if you need any help with the album. I bet Migé will stop in to let you know also.” Said Linde, rising from his seat on the couch

“Thanks Linde. I’m sure I’ll have you and Migé over to read the final product before we go to the studio anyways.”

“Okay, just give me a ring if you need anything.” Linde said before leaving the apartment.

“So do you think we can talk tomorrow? I’ve got a few calls to make.” Questioned Ville.

“Sure, whenever you want to talk, just let me know.” Replied Bam.

Ville rose from the couch and headed into his office, locking himself in and settling in his chair. He dialed the number to the only person he could talk to right now.


“Hi April.”

“Oh Ville, he told you, didn’t he?”

“About how he threw himself in front of a goddamned car because of me? Yeah he did. Telling me how he feels? Nope, he still hasn’t gotten around to that!” Said Ville angrily.

“How did he get out of it this time?” Asked April.

“Well he’d just finished telling me how he threw himself… excuse me, paid someone to run him over with a car, and started to say “The truth is Ville, that I…” when the fucking doorbell rang!”

“Who was it at the door, and how badly did you injure them?”

“Linde, talking about recording and some shit in December.”

“I seriously don’t know how you can stand not knowing how he feels, when everyone else knows. I would have gone insane by now.” Said April.

“I don’t know how I’m still sane April. I think the lyric writing helps. You know the whole new album is basically about our relationship, how much I love him, but don’t know how he feels.”

“Oh honey, you know what might make you feel a little better?”

“What? Me getting plastered out of my mind and hitting my head against the wall, because that could work.”

“No, don’t you dare go to drastic measures like Bam did, because I’ll come all the way to Finland and kick your butt. Now, what you should do is go get your jammies on, make yourself a cup of tea, and settle down with a good movie and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.” Explained April.

“Ben and who?” Asked Ville.

“It’s an ice cream brand hun. Now you should preferably watch a chick flick, but knowing you, you’d just watch “The Nightmare Before Christmas” again.”

“You know me too well April.” Laughed Ville.

“Just try to make time just for yourself, not thinking about anything. I don’t want to get a call saying that you’ve had a panic attack and have killed yourself.”

“Don’t worry April, I won’t. I think I might take your advice though, thanks so much.”

“It’s no problem sweetheart. Call whenever you need to.”

“I will, bye.”

“Bye bye honey.”

Ville put the phone down on its receiver and stretched before getting up from his chair and heading to the kitchen, in search of ice cream and a cup of tea.

Five minutes later Ville was padding around the kitchen in nothing but a pair of green plaid pajama bottoms and a scowl. He wasn’t having any luck finding the tea. He’d found some chocolate ice cream in the back of the freezer right away. It was a little freezer burned, but it would still taste the same.

“Looking for the tea?” Said a voice behind him.

Ville twirled around and found Bam smiling at him, “How’d you know?”

“Ice cream, tea, and a chick flick, April’s special remedy to taking your mind off of shit.”

“You’re good.”

“Tea’s above the fridge.” Pointed Bam to a cupboard above the refrigerator.

“You’re really good.”

“Not really. Well I think I’m gonna go hit the sack. I’ll see ya in the afternoon.” Said Bam with a yawn.

“Okay Bammie, sleep tight.”

“Night Ville.”

“Good Night Bam.”

Bam left the kitchen slowly, using the walls for balance, and was half way through the living room when he called back, “So we’ll talk tomorrow?”

“Yeah Bam, we will.” Ville called back.

A/N: Aww, now wasnt that a cute long chapter that you all waited (no pun intended) for?
Hehe, I'll be back either tonight or tomorrow with "Hogwarts Boys"
♥♥ Jordan
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