(no subject)

Mar 25, 2006 07:59

I apologize for the lack of updates, but I have 2 stories currently so I'm trying to balance time with each of them as well as my high school Soccer team and Horse back riding...oh fuck I have a show today! *gets all nervous* Yeah...Crap. Uh, I won't update again today but I might tomorrow if we don't go skiing until Tuesday.

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- R-NC-17

Pairing- Ville/Bam and Jussi/Jyrki

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Previous Chapters behind the cut!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

“Ville, acting like this is not going to get Bam back any sooner.” Jyrki said calmly.

Ville had been pacing violently by the phone, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had gotten on the first flight back to Philadelphia as soon as he had received the call form Jyrki. “What is taking them so long? Bam is in trouble!”

“In case you haven’t noticed, Bam isn’t the only one in trouble. They took Jussi too.” Jyrki glared.

Ville took a seat on the coach and sighed. “I know, I’m sorry, but I’m just so scared for him! I’m glad you made it out okay…”

“I wish I could have done more to help them, but I figured it best to alert someone rather than get beaten to a pulp myself.”

“You did the right thing, sweetie.” April said, wiping away tears from her blue eyes.

“It’s going to take some time. The police don’t know where Jenn is.” Phil mentioned.

“I wish I had never left! I should have never left him behind!” Ville sobbed.

April took a seat next to the singer on the black leather couch and embraced him. “Ville, it is not your fault! We never could have predicted that Jenn would go as far as she has. We have to stay strong for him.”

“Jyrki, who else was with Jenn?” Phil asked.

Jyrki shrugged. “No one I’ve seen before. They were large men that I’m sure do this kind of job well…I know I didn’t want to go near any of them.”

“Bammie, please be okay…” Ville whispered into April’s shoulder.


Bam’s head hurt. It hurt like hell. With a loud moan he rolled over. He was on cold, hard, and wet concrete. Wonderful. He placed a hand to his head and felt a sticky warm substance coat his fingers. “Fuck.”


“Jussi? That you?” Bam asked hopefully.

“Yes, it’s me. Hold on, I’m coming.” Jussi began crawling in the direction from where he had heard Bam talk. IT was pitch black and he could not see Bam until he was literally two inches away from him. “Don’t sit up, you’re bleeding.”

“Thanks.” Bam replied sarcastically. “Where the hell are we?”

“I don’t know. It’s too dark to see anything. You’ve been out for several hours but I don’t know exactly how long we’ve been here. I’ve seen no one since our arrival.”

“You okay?”

“Other than being scared out of my mind, I’m fine.”

“You think she’ll put a ransom on us?”

“I hope so. I keep worrying she has us here only to torture us and not for any other kind of purpose or reward.” Jussi said. “A ransom would ensure our safety. You and I both know that Jyrki and Ville would pay anything to get us back.”

“I know how much you love him…I’m sorry I dragged you into this.” Bam apologized.

Jussi shook his head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” He took Bam’s hand in his. “We’ll make it through this, I promise. We have to fight for Ville and Jyrki.”

Bam nodded, but regretted it. “My head really hurts.”

“I’m not surprised. You kept squirming in your sleep so they knocked you out completely.”

“Assholes…” Bam groaned.

“Here, I’ll help you sit up.” As Jussi went to help Bam, a door opened and a rush of light flooded in.

Jussi shielded his eyes for the intense brightness after being in the dark for so long hurt. As soon as he began to hear footstep, he pulled Bam towards him and held him protectively.

“How sweet.” Jenn’s thin frame towered over Jussi and Bam. “But no matter what you do, you can’t save him.” Jenn kneeled down and looked into Bam’s eyes. They didn’t react. “It is a pity you can’t see. You won’t be able to see how we hurt Ville or this pretty little Finn. You’ll only hear their screams.” Jenn did not expect what happened next.

Bam spit onto her face. “Leave them the fuck alone! Jussi and Ville have never done anything to you!”

Jenn hit Bam so hard across the face that it even sent Jussi tumbling to the ground, but he never let go of Bam’s body. “This one, no, he has done nothing but serve as a nice toy. As for Ville. Ville met you. Ville became your idol. Ville became the only voice to ever come out of your stereo. Ville was the topic of every conversation. Ville tattooed himself to your very skin. Ville became your best friend. Ville became your God. Ville became your life. Ville fucked you. Ville loved you. Ville took you away from me! Don’t tell me that Ville has done nothing to me!”

“You are a selfish bitch!” Bam spat.

“ME? Take a look at yourself, Bam! Everything is always about YOU! You never care about your friends or family. Have you ever actually watched your own show to see what you do to the? They don’t like what you do, Bam, but you do it because it amuses YOU!” Jenn turned to her two guards. “Do what you want with him but bring Bam to our ‘special’ room.”

Jussi held tight to Bam. He refused to go down this way. He reached down towards his boot and pulled out his switchblade. Flipping it open, he held the blade between his fingers and threw it at the closest man. The blade sliced through the man’s throat, cutting off the air as blood poured through the wound. The man clutched his throat and then fell to the ground dead.

“GET HIM!” Jenn growled.

The other man grabbed Jussi by his spiked hair before he could reach the blade, which caused him to scream. “I know exactly how to punish you.” He pulled harder on the hair to emphasize himself. Grabbing Jussi forcefully by the arm, he began dragging him across the floor and out of the room.

“As for you,” Jenn began. “I think it is time to send a message to Ville. He must be worried sick about you.” She raised her hand and brought it down hard against Bam’s face, knocking him out.

When Bam woke he was cold. He could feel the air on his flesh. It then hit him that he was naked. He had a massive headache to boot. He knew he had to have a severe concussion after all the hits he had taken to his head. If he could think clearly, he knew he would have been scared.

“Took you long enough to wake.” Jenn whispered in his ear. “Now the real fun begins.” She walked over to a camera stand and pressed the red button and then began to speak. “Ville, I know you’re watching this. Don’t try and fast forward because the disk is encrypted. Don’t even think about turning it off if you want to ever see your Bam again. First, I believe, we’ll demonstrate exactly what I will do to Bam if you do not comply to my wishes.”

Bam knew that couldn’t be good and he suddenly put two and two together. He went to move but found his hands tied behind his back. Before he could adapt to the resistance he felt a large weight behind him. Hands that could engulf him grabbed to each of his butt cheeks and lifted his body up. He could not even let out a protest before he felt his body being penetrated.

Bam let out a howl of pain. Three of Ville’s could have easily compared to this man. Bam knew it was an exaggeration, but the pain was not. The large man grabbed his hips with such strength that Bam thought they would break in half. The man pulled out and slammed his member back into Bam’s body again. Bam screamed, tears pouring from his eyes like the blood from his entrance.

As the man continued to pound into Bam’s body, Jenn continued talking to the camera. “See Ville, what you’re poor ‘Bammie’ is going through? Aww, now we wouldn’t want this to continue would we?”

It wasn’t long before the man came within Bam, mercifully, as he groaned about how tight the skater was. He simply removed himself and walked away, leaving a crying and bleeding Bam on the table.

“Well, Ville, now I suppose it is time to talk about what you can do to stop this poor torture on your skater boy. Oh, wait, there is nothing…” Jenn laughed. “I’m going to make him suffer until he dies and take you along for the ride. Oh and tell that vampire friend of yours that his little toy is a good fuck, too.” Jenn smirked and turned off the camera and walked up towards Bam, gently wiping away a tear from Bam’s cheek. “See, Bam, it’s not fun to get hurt, is it?” She then took a fistful of hair and yanked his head up towards her. “And it has only begun for you, Bam.”


“Ville, you have a package.” April said as she brought in the mail, every day hoping there would be some sort of ransom note or just…something.

“From who?” Ville asked, descending the stairs.

“I don’t know. It just says confidential on it.” April shrugged and handed him the package.

Ville took the package and began walking back to his room as he read the front of it. Confidential…who could it-Oh god Jenn! His walk turned into a run as he made it into his room and shut the door. Ripping the packaging open, he took out a DVD. He took it out of the plastic casing and placed it into the player below the T.V The next thing he saw on the screen was Bam, naked and bound.

“Oh god, Bammie!” Ville breathed. He heard Jenn’s voice come on and frowned. What was she going to do to-his eyes widened as he saw the man come up behind Bam. “No! No, no, no!” But it was a hopeless effort since the dead had already been done. Bam’s screams echoed in his ears. Tears poured from his emerald eyes as he put a hand to his mouth to keep him from vomiting. He tried desperately to peel his eyes away from the screen, away from the horror, but he couldn’t.

As soon as the video did end, he rushed to the bathroom and spilled what he had for lunch into the bowl, sobbing.

“Ville? Ville, are you okay?!” April opened the door slightly to look into the bathroom. “Oh, Ville, what’s wrong!?” She rushed to the Finn’s side and knelt by him, rubbing his back gently.

“Oh god…Bammie…” He let out a loud sob and buried his head into April’s chest.

“Ville, what happened? Was the package about Bam?” April asked desperately.

“Don’t watch it April…don’t watch it.” Ville pleaded.

“Okay, sweetie, I won’t, but you have to tell me what happened.” April said, stroking his hair gently.

“Jenn had one of her-her guards come in and-and…” He let out another sob. “He raped him! Jenn threatened that it was only the beginning of his pain and there was nothing we could do to get him back!”

April now couldn’t distinguish Ville’s tears from her own. “Oh god…we’re going to call the police.”

“And what will they do?!”

“I-I don’t know…oh god I just want him back so bad, Ville!” April tightened her embrace around the singer.

“We both do…we both do…” Ville let out a shuddered breath. “Bammie, please, stay strong.”
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