the self-proclaimed deathfic-whore returns...

Mar 13, 2006 21:55

Greetings all! I come bearing gifts...

This idea came to me with the promise of sex when I was done, and refused to find the handcuffs until I had written it.

Title: In the heat of the moment
Author: inourblood
Rating: just read it and find out
Summary: I suck at these...majorly...erm, the title isn't what it seems...
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Don't. If you think I do, you must be delusional, and not in a good way.


Bam woke up sweating. Fuck it was hot in here. What the hell was going on? He walked over to the door, thinking to open it and get some fresh air, but it wouldn’t open. He peered out of the keyhole, but rapidly blinked as his eye filled with smoke.

Smoke? Shit.

Trying hard not to panic, he threw himself against the door, battering it with his shoulder, but to no avail. It was stuck fast.

Bam glanced back over to the bed where Ville lay curled under the black silk sheets emblazoned with a gold heartagram, blissfully unaware of their predicament. He looked so peaceful there, his alabaster face untroubled by thoughts as he lay in deep dreams, raven hair spilling over his eyes.

“Ville? Wake up!” Bam said urgently, shaking him by the shoulder.

“What’s up?” Ville mumbled, rolling over and blinking the sleep from his eyes. How should he phrase this? He didn’t want Ville to worry too much, but he had to know what was going on.

“Just trust me Ville, you need to get up this minute,” He tried not to let too much panic creep into his voice. Bam ran his hand through his hair, anxiously brushing it out of his face as the urgency of his voice roused Ville.

“It’s all right Bammie,” he said comfortingly. “What’s wrong?”

“Erm… if you had the choice between being burnt alive or… or shot…which would you pick?” He didn’t normally stammer. He kept casting nervous glances around the room, as if something was about to spring on him, or materialise from the shadowed corners.

“Calm down baby,” Ville said, his voice soothing, “I don’t understand what that has to do with anything,”

Bam was pacing around the room now, clearly agitated. “We…we have a slight problem…” Ville came over and held his shoulders, stopping his pacing. He was beginning to get frightened by Bam’s attitude. “Erm…the…the house is on fire,”

“WHAT?!” Ville exploded, “We have to get out of here!” he ran to the door, but didn’t succeed any more than Bam. “Why won’t it open?” he demanded.

“That’s the other thing. We can’t get out.”

“What do you mean we can’t get out?!” Now Ville was the one pacing and running his hand through his hair.

“I mean the door’s stuck, the window key is downstairs, we couldn’t jump even if the window was open, because the fall would kill us, and the fucking phone isn’t working because Novak cut the wire last time he was pissed!” He was nearly shouting by the end of the sentence. He went over to Ville and held him in his arms.

“There has to be some way out?” he knew it was hopeless even before Bam shook his head. Ville sank to the floor. “Shot.” he said at last.

“What?” Bam asked.

“I would rather be shot than burned alive,” Ville repeated.

“Oh,” Bam said.



“I don’t want to die,” It sounded cliché, but he really didn’t want to go yet. Ville heard Bam’s footsteps walking to the other side of the room, then the sound of a draw opening and closing. Bam came back and sat close to him, something held tightly in his hand.

Bam sighed heavily. “We don’t have a choice, Willa,”

Ville gasped as Bam opened his hand to reveal a glinting metal object.

“Where the fuck did you get that?”

“I’ve always had it. I can’t remember where it came from,” Bam replied. His voice sounded slightly distant.

There was an awkward silence. Two pairs of eyes were fixed on the gun held loosely in Bam’s hand.

“So this is it,” Bam said at last.

“I suppose,” Ville shifted closer.

“How are we gonna do this?” Bam asked after a moment, spluttering. Smoke had started to fill the room.

“You’re gonna have to do me. I don’t think I could possibly shoot you Bammie,”

“Do you think it would be any easier for me to shoot you?” Ville winced at his harsh tone of voice. “I’m sorry, Willa. I’m just nervous,”

“Either way, one of us will have to watch the other die.” Ville collapsed into a coughing fit. The smoke didn’t help his asthma. Bam watched on anxiously, putting his other arm around Ville’s thin shoulders.

“So who’s gonna go first?” Ville asked when he recovered. “I don’t want to watch you dying. But I suppose it wouldn’t exactly be a great experience for you either,”

“You go first,” Bam said. “If your last wish is not to see me die, then I suppose I should grant it.” He smiled, but there was no laughter in his eyes.

“But what about you?” Ville asked, realising he sounded selfish.

“No, you go. I can…manage,” Bam swallowed hard. This was more difficult than he thought. The image had been playing over in his head as soon as he had realised there was no escape. Smoke was stinging his eyes, making them water.

Ville’s trembling hand took the gun Bam held out to him.



“I guess this is my last chance to tell you. I love you. I never want to leave you, but I don’t have a choice. Promise you’ll join me in death?” Ville smiled. His last smile on this earth. The last words Bam would ever hear him speak. His voice, so filled with panic only moments before, was now calm and fulfilled.

“I promise,” Bam replied, realising the irony of the song title now, as Ville placed the barrel of the gun to the side of his head. “I love you too, Ville, more than my own life. We…can be together in death,” He spoke some of the lyrics.

Suddenly, before Bam was ready, there was a sickening bang. The gun dropped from Ville’s limp hand as the light faded from his emerald eyes, leaving them dull and clouded. A crimson stain poured steadily from the gun-wound. Bam had tried to be strong for Ville, but now he couldn’t stop the rivers of tears that slipped down his cheeks as he stared at the lifeless body of his love.

Join me in death, how appropriate that seemed now. Bam slipped his arm around the dead Ville’s waist, holding him close as possible as he held the weapon that had taken his Ville from him to his temple. Softly, he leant down and kissed Ville’s forehead. Quickly he pulled the trigger. As his mind faded into darkness, the last thing he could see was Ville’s pale, lifeless face.

so? any good?

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