Lost Boy Chapter 4

Feb 06, 2006 17:16

Title-Lost Boy

Author- Dani_roryyy416

Rating- This chapter, pg13-R to be safe

Pairing- VAM and Juam (JussiXBam) and JussiXVille.. oooO its like a love triangle!! Hehe

Summary- Bam is living the perfect life with his boyfriend Ville, until the new kid Jussi comes along. (I suck at summaries)

Links to prev. chapters behind cut

Lyrics-Devioso--69 Eyes.. let me know if you want it =]

Prologue- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1302726.html
Ch1- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1306999.html?#cutid1
Ch2- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1310748.html
Ch3- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1338506.html#cutid1

My heart stopped when I walked into the bedroom Bam and I shared. It has been a tough day with Jussi coming back and all and I just needed to lie down and sleep this out. But the sight In front of my eyes broke my heart. Jussi laid on top of Bam, semi-embracing each other with huge smiles on their faces. They were asleep breathing easily as if everything was perfect. Clothes were scattered all over the room and in my hand was Jussi’s shirt that I’d found on my way. I wanted to run up to Jussi and punch him for sleeping with my boyfriend. And on the other hand I wanted to run up to Bam and punch him for sleeping with my boyfriend. Oh shiit, I guess I deserved this. I walked up to the sleeping couple and leaned down laying a soft kiss on Jussi’s exposed neck and another on Bam’s temple. “I love you.” I whispered, not sure to whom. I walked to the living room and laid down on the couch.

Which one of them did I love? I loved them both so much but I knew I had to choose, but even more I knew I had probably lost both of them. I sighed. My mind returned to the thought of how the help Jussi and Bam wound up in bed together. They had known each other for only a few hours. Jussi I might expect this from, he is quite the little slut. He’ll jump right into bed with anyone. (a/n yumm sllutty Jussi, I’ll jump into bed with you!! *coughs* umm yeahh…) He’s loyal and won’t cheat once he’s in a relationship, but when he’s single, watch out! But bam, he’s not like that. He at least gets to know the person. One night stands are not his thing. Sex out of anger? Could happen. What had I become? I went from happily being in love, to leaving the one I love, to re-falling in love and losing both of them to each other. Did that even make sense?

I hear the angels calling
And the rain starts falling
Thunder and storming
Brings justice in the morning

--POV Bam-

I woke up that night with a warm body on top of me. I relaxed into him smiling and buried my head into the crook of his neck placing kisses in it trying to gently wake him up.

He moaned softly before turning his head and smiling back at me.

“Hey baby.” He whispered sweetly.

“Hey yourself,” I grinned before leaning in to kiss him. I ran my tongue along his lip asking gently for entrance which was soon granted. I explored his mouth for a few moments taking in every taste, tugging on his lower lip a bit as I pulled away.

“I could defiantly get used to waking up like this.” He moaned pulling me into another kiss. Not once did I think about my boyfriend. I might have only known him for a few hours, but I hadn’t felt this good in so long and it just felt right.

I pulled back and sat up leaning on the head board. I turned him around and pulled him into my lap. “Tell me about yourself.” I whispered into his ear, suddenly realizing I sounded like a therapist or something, but I shrugged it off.

“Well, my name is Jussi, or Jussi 69. I’m from Helsinki, Finland, I have an older brother Jyrki. I love the drums and am quite good. I love drinking, I’m in America along,” He sighed. “Oh yeah.” He purred the words, “I’m super sexxxxxy.” He dragged out the statement.

“Yes you are.” I smiled into his neck continuing to kiss it softly. “Where were you planning to stay if you were alone?”

“I was hoping I could crash with Ville, but I don’t know if that’s such a good idea anymore.”

“Ville leaves here.” I whispered. “You could stay here if you want. I’d certainly love to have you and I’m sure Ape and Phil won’t mind.” I added suddenly excited.

“Really?” He asked turning his head around to look at me.

“Yeah, of course.”

“Thanks Bam.” He laughed. “Bam, is that your real name?”

“No, it’s a nickname. Brandon. Brandon Cole Margera.” I finished confidently.

“So, Brandon Cole Margera, what do you do around here?”

“I’m Bam Margera and I do whatever the fucck I want!” I said proudly. He laughed and then frowned, expecting a real answer. “Skateboarding. That’s pretty much it.”

“So, what do you want to do now?”

“I’m kinda hungry, I haven’t eaten all day.” He nodded. We got up and each threw on a pair of boxers before heading to the kitchen.

“What do you want? We got, well, I don’t know but feel free to look around.” I took a bag of chips from the cabinet behind me and waited for him.

“I’m not hungry.” He stated simply.

“Okay then.” I took his hand and led him into the living room. I pulled him in for another kiss as soon as we entered the room. I heard a small cough and pulled away to see Ville lying on the couch staring at us.

“Hi Ville,” I stated followed by some Finnish mumbles by Jussi. I took a seat on the recliner and pulled Jussi onto my lap. The room was in a dead, awkward silence. I opened the chips and began eating. Jussi’s hand snaked its way into the bad and I slapped it away. “You said you weren’t hungry.”

“I wasn’t, but now I am.”

“Well go get your own!” He turned around to face me.

“Or I could just eat you.” He smiled devilishly before biting down into my neck. I gasped at the sudden pain but it quickly turned into a moan. I threw my head back against the chair giving him better access. He continued sucking and nibbling, his tongue tracing all over his mark. After moments of this he pulled back and blood stained his lips.

“You look like a vampire.” I laughed.

“I am the Helsinki Vampire!” He spoke deeply thickening his accent and tried to sound like Dracula.

“My Helsinki Vampire.” We started laughing and neither of us noticed Ville leaving the room.
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