Join Me In PANTS retuuuurns

Feb 02, 2006 09:16

yep yep. here it is. the other chapters are in zee cut.

chapters here. just copy and paste. I'm a bad linker. prologue first chapter

Name: Join Me In PANTS
Author: deathhairbrush
Rating: I dunno, 'round PG15
Summary: Ville's on a sugar high. Poor Bam...


Two - I Love PANTS

Ville, our lovely little Willy Wonka of Finland (was anyone else reminded of him with johnny depp as willy? eh? eh? sorry, shutting up now) was off with his precious pinecone settlement in the woods, smiling like a loon. His brunette curls hung limply over his face as "Mr. Piney" was squished by Pinezilla.

"Oh...he had a wife and two kids...OH WELL!!" Ville cackled.


Bam moaned. He was so extremely tired after chasing after Ville all day, so hey, some sleep wouldn't kill him, right? Right? Yawning, he slung himself onto the couch and closed his eyes, to have a very WEIRD dream...

Ville was asleep, and actually was wearing CLOTHES. Bam was sitting next to him, watching, and Ville's eyes opened. He smiled, and busted out with...

"Hello starshine! The world says hello!!"

Bam woke up. His eyes were wide and freaked out, because he thought Ville actually did say that a while back...

Maybe he should go look for Ville...what was IN that sugar, anyway?


Ville giggled. Nobody would ever find him in this tree, really high! Swinging his legs, he fell off the thing, managed to grab onto it, and clung onto the tree branch. Suddenly, he was SO TOTALLY not hyper anymore and just scared for his life...


Bam sighed. Looking for Ville was hard and he hadn't found him yet. Stretching his arms up, he heard a tiny squeak from above and looked up to see his precious jewel hanging there, clinging to the branch for dear life. "VILLE! What are you DOING up there!?"

Ville smiled like a kid who had just been caught in the cookie jar. "Uh...nothing...just hangin'." Bam didn't find it amusing.

"I'll get you down, baby! Just stay there!!" Bam turned around, then turned back. Calling 911 was POINTLESS as Ville hadn't fallen yet, right??

Of course, Bam decided to just...sorta...jump for Ville's legs which weren't too far above his head. Suddenly, he was glad Ville wasn't 5'2. Tugging and pulling, he finally got Ville off but landed with him on top of Ville.

"Oh my...I would rather be in this position with you later tonight, if you know what I mean..." Ville squeaked and blushed.

Suddenly Ville jumped up and giggled. "I'm Lucy in the sky with diamonds!!" Bam blinked.

"I thought you hated The Beatles..." Ville nodded enthusiastically and danced. Bam couldn't say it wasn't hot but it was weird...

"Are you okay, Ville?" Ville shook his head. Bam sighed.

"Well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say!!" Ville screeched and cracked up again.

Bam stared at him with wide eyes. "Now I am CONVINCED you've gone off the deep end, because now you're quoting My Chemical Romance songs. Okay...Ville, just quietly go into the direction of the house, climb into bed, and sleep this off."

Ville shook his head rapidly.

The skater was now desperate. "Please, Willa?"

"Nooooo! I have to be free, FREE, FREE! FREE AS A BIRD IN THE OPEN BLUE SKY!" He spread his arms, started running, and promptly charged headfirst into a tree and passed out.

"Oh snap." Bam rushed over to Ville. "Oh shit oh shit. Ville, you alright? No wait of course not dumbass he just ran into a tree."

Bam screamed like a small child when he suddenly saw bright green eyes snap open and a blur of peach, red, and black overtake him.

"Hiiiiii gumdrop. Man my nose hurts..." Ville said and they sat there for a minute or so.

"Hey, Willa, do me a favor and get off me so I can go SLEEP..." Bam muttered, his face shoved into the dirt.

Ville squeeled. "SLEEP! Sleep is gooooood. After sleep I get more SUGAR!!" He jumped off Bam and raced into the house.

"Oh HELL no..."


mwahahahaha. hey, also, sorry that I didn't respond to you guy's IMs on AIM...I forgot to log out again...well the next chapter should be up soon, probably in a couple days
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