Title: Don't Let It Burn Away
Pairing: Vam
Raiting: R-NC-17 (Eventually)
Summary: Bam and Ville are in Highschool. Ville holds a secret...
http://www.livejournal.com/users/vamfics/ <-rest of the chapters can be found here. I'm working on updating that, so it'll probably be done by morning. =)
chapter 16
It was almost a year later. I'd heard neither a word from Ville, nor had I seen one glimpse of him. Apparently, he had moved to another school down-town a day after I had left him. As for the rest of my family, they were aware of his lies, but they were not aware that I had been in a relationship with him. I slipped into a deep depression a few months ago, but forced myself to keep it inside, knowing Ape would question my motives. I smoked much more than I already had before, and every drag reminded me of Ville. I guess this was my first true heartbreak. I didn't count whats-her-face, because she hadn't hurt me.
I sat in the bathroom one day while I thought everyone was out of the house. It was just to take a piss at first, but I eyed the razor that lay on the counter and I couldn't resist. I was never one to cut, or so I thought. I picked it up and dragged it across my leg, letting the blood flow freely. I heard the door being pushed open and panicked, but didn't know what to do. I sat there, razor in hand, and blood gushing from my leg and all I could do was stare at Jess.
"Shit, Bam!" He cried, kneeling down beside me and embracing me in a tight hug. He grabbed a washcloth and began cleaning up my leg as I cried in his arms.
"Why did you do this?" He asked, throwing the blood-stained rag in the garbage.
"I...miss him, Jess. I fucking miss him!" I cried, in between sobs.
"Why didn't you tell Phil and Ape that you're depressed?" He asked. I wriggled out of his grip and hugged my knees to my chest and dried my eyes.
"What would I tell them, Jess? That I'm a fag, who can't get over my first boyfriend because he ripped my fucking heart out?"
I was crying again. He tried to console me by putting a hand on my back but I slapped it away and buried my face in my hands, and cried harder.
"Shh, it'll be okay. Stop crying. I think you should just tell them. They'll understand." I stood up and cried out from the conflict of the cut wound rubbing up against itself and made my way for the door. "No, Jess. Just leave me the fuck alone. I don't need your help, and I don't need anyone else's fucking help either!"
I grabbed my skateboard and ran out the front door, and the blood was beginning to bleed through my jeans, but I didn't care. I kept skating, not caring that the pressure from the gash on my leg hurt like hell. I wasn't even going anywhere in particular, I was just skating for the sake of skating. The truth was, though, that I did need him. But I needed someone else, more.