Jan 17, 2004 11:25
i realise i'm quite an unreceptive person, when it comes to people i don't know or am not familiar with. which is an irony, considering that i am quite extroverted. the thing is, i can accept my friends, or people who are like me; but with people who are different (i.e. are on a different wavelength, or whose lifestyles and ideals i would never have), i have a tendency to judge them first before wanting/planning to get to know them. and i usually form this sort of bias against them, unconciously. really, i don't purposely look and them and think "eww he/she's weird. i don't like him/her". but its just this gut feel, or sixth sense i have, that leads me to a conclusion. and i usually end up sticking with people who are similar to me, and staying in my comfort zone. yes, i do make friends with them, but when it comes to the crunch, its the people i hang out with the most that matters to me.
sounds superficial/fake? not really, if you realise that most people (esp around our age) have the same sort of mentality. you'd rather stay in your comfort zone with the people you like/you are alike with, and knowing that you're secure and tight with your bunch, you get the confidence to judge others (mercilessly maybe?) while knowing that you're completely safe in your little hole. haha i may be exaggerating, but the idea's there. and that's what you get in the school canteen, for example. little clumps of people sitting in their cliques, looking over their shoulders and gossiping about the girl at the next table or the cute guy in the line. you can judge them coz you're sitting down, safe from the attention/wandering eyes. and practically everyone does that. so is this what junior college does to you? gossiping/bitching is prevalent, you don't even feel a twinge of guilt when you bitch about the 'infamous' people in school coz you know everyone else is doing that. so does that write off all the guilt we should be feeling? or is this what you get when you enter the rat race called life?
i feel we should still have a conscience, no matter how our environment evolves and the people around us change. i don't believe that when we were in primary/lower secondary we gossiped that much. of course, we were innocent then. but as we grow don't we get more mature and doesn't that show even more that we shouldn't talk about others coz we know we aren't doing the right thing? yes, i know people always say 'its a girl thing', and 'we should complain to get it off our chests instead of bottling it up'; but these shouldn't be excuses one can use freely or excessively. i think that if you really have to rant so that you feel better, and you know that you're ranting because of that and not because you have nothing better to do/you just can't stand the person, then you can go ahead and do so without feeling too bad. but one shouldn't gossip mindlessly coz it never ever builds character. all of us know that, deep in our hearts, actually. so we should really do something about it. start reminding each other, and try not to go overboard. discuss the person, not tear him/her down to pieces. after all, if i can recall, part of a saying goes: "little people discuss people. great people discuss ideas."
yep, so let's all make an effort to become greater people! :)