I. Describe yourself: My friends and family are incredibly important to me. Being the eldest of four kids I am very protective. Sure, I tease my siblings/friends all the time, but if anyone actually hurts them? They have me to deal with.
I can be very stubborn and determined. Once I've made up my mind to do (or not to do) something, that's it. This can either be very good (when I have a project or whatever to be done) or very bad (like the times I decide I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere. Today. And I end up missing out on something.) I love being energetic and going for long walks and playing games but I can be pretty lazy at other times- I like my bed!
I have a short fuse and lose my temper fairly easily- but only with people I actually care about and trust- otherwise I am the most easy-going person around. When I have lost my temper, I usually take a while to cool off, and usually only after a bit of time on my own. I can hold grudges but they're always shoved to the back of my mind until the next time I argue with the person in question. During an argument I try to make myself listen to the other person and take on board their point of view- not that this always works!
I always have a book on the go. If I'm not reading anything I feel kind of lost until someone recommends something new or I pick up an old favourite. I like to be able to lose myself in another world and immerse myself totally in the lives of whoever I'm reading about. I can get very emotionally attached to books. This is probably largely down to my very active imagination. I have always loved creative writing and have been making up stories since I can remember.
I am rarely without my cell phone and CD player. My cell because I like to know that I can always get in touch with someone to talk to and keep me sane, and my CD player because I am a total music addict. (And I have some weird hatred towards MP3 players- it's CDs all the way for me.)
I am pretty open-minded and will try most things once. This is probably why my tastes in just about everything (music, people, clothes, you name it) are so eclectic. However, I am pretty stubborn and once I've said I dislike something, that's usually it.
I tend to talk a lot- since I started to talk (months before other children my age, according to my parents) my nickname at home has been "chatterbox". In spite of this overwhelming ability to talk, I do listen to what others have to say- I like to know all sides of an issue. At school my report cards always said that I was "quiet and concientious" (my mother used to wonder if the teacher was talking about the right person...) I can be painfully shy around new people... which sometimes gives people the wrong idea that I'm being standoffish. They lose that idea after I've got to know them a bit and feel comfortable around them!
I can be pretty grumpy sometimes- first thing in the morning is not a good time to start anything with me. And my stubborn streak can get me into trouble, too. Despite the good reports at school I spent a lot of time in detention for playing the rebel and/or answering back to my teachers.
I'm quite forgetful... I lost track of what I'm supposed to be doing, unless I write it all down. Which I rarely do... I leave my diary lying around in daft places all the time...
My worst trait is probably my impatience. I like to get things going and if someone is taking their time I can get annoyed.
I'm a drama queen. I exaggerate sometimes and occasionally (though not always!) relish being the centre of attention. I'm in a student theatre company and while I'm comfortable backstage I love being up front and performing, having people applaud me.
Until last month I was a student at university studying English and History, but I wasn't sure where that would take me in life. So I'm taking a year out to reconsider my options. I know I want to do something that helps others- I'm just not sure exactly what yet. So for the next year I will be working to earn money to pay off my student loans while thinking about what to do next. I would like to return to uni as I love learning but I don't want to rush into anything and regret it later on.
Physically... I'm pretty tall (compared to most of my friends, anyway) at 5'9. My hair changes colour according to my mood (though with the powers of dye, not magic. Certain powers would be mighty useful sometimes...). It's naturally blonde but right now it's dark brown with blonde and purple underneath. (In between it has been bright red, auburn, purple and black.) Aside from the colour, it was short for about four years but I'm currently growing it out because I feel like a change. My eyes are my favourite feature because they seem to change colour- from grey to blue to green- I don't know why, but it's interesting.
II. What are some of your pet peeves?
I can't stand selfishness. Perhaps it's being a big sister and being used to sharing all the time, but I don't like people who refuse to share what they have. Those people who have millions of pounds/dollars/whatever and either spend it all on holidays and what have you or just leave it to mount up in the bank baffle me. Sure, it'd be nice to be able to invest in something and take a couple of nice holidays but what sense of accomplishment does this give you? Sure, you might get a golden tan but then what? There are people in the world who don't have a fraction of what you have, why not help charities? That way you'd be helping others to live and accomplishing something that can make you feel good about yourself. And it's not just those with excess money who could do with sharing- it's a generally attractive quality in anyone. My little sister is the most generour person I know- whatever she has, she'll share- no matter how few sweets she has, they'll be distributed amongst everyone. Generosity is a much more appealing trait than selfishness.
People who take things too seriously irritate me too. Of course there are some things that shouldn't be made light of, but sometimes the only thing left to do is laugh. I have suffered from depression and know this all too well. My closest friends are those who are naturally light-hearted and fun seeking, whereas the people I gel least well with are those who see nothing but the bad in any given situation. There are times when I can't see a silver lining in the cloud but these are the times when a sense of humour combined with a serious streak comes in useful. It's all well and good being serious but when it's cry or laugh I know which path I'd rather take, and it doesn't involve a box of Kleenex. So people who see the glass as half-empty are not the type of people I'd like to have around all the time.
People who moan a lot and/or give up too easily. Life has challenges, that's a given. It's what you do when you come across one that makes you who you are. In my humble opinion, the most interesting people in life are those who've had obstacles in their way but have figured out how best to overcome them. If you give up when the going gets too tough, how are you ever going to grow as a person and be really happy with your life? I have been known to moan from time to time but I would hate to be known as "that whiney girl who always moans at everything". My stubborn streak makes sure that I keep on at whatever's blcoking the way I want to go until I figure out the best way to deal with it and I'd like to think that I'm a better person for it. If someone comes across a challenge and just gives up and takes another route, are they going to be truly happy? I'm sure sometimes things work out for the best and they are genuinely contented, but there are other times when the easier way just leads to a life they've settled for instead of chosen. I try to respect how people live their lives but that doesn't necessarily mean I understand them.
III. What is your take on religion?
I was raised a Christian- my parents are both pretty involved in the Church. I was even Confirmed when I was fourteen. But lately I have come to be opposed to organised religion. I dislike the fact that to be seen as a "good Christian" it seems to be necessary for people to follow the Church's doctrines exactly and to repeat the words of prayers that everyone else is saying too. I totally respect other people's views of faith but I cannot believe that everyone always means the words that they are saying- I refuse to be a hypocrite and join in the prayers that I think are outdated and, in some parts, narrow-minded. I still believe in God but I do not attend Church. I enjoy learning about other religions and the belief systems of other cultures. I balance my views on the world and it's issues and history by learning equally about Biblical theories, the theories of other cultures and scientific argument. I do not believe in some of the Church's values (for example, I dislike how the Church is against homsexuality. I believe love is love, regardless of sex, colour, creed, culture, religion and whatever else some people see as insurmountable boundaries). I fully respect any religion and it's history and do not think that people have the right to force their own beliefs onto others, just because they believe in something different. People have a right to believe in whatever they want (or not to believe in anything) and should have a right to do so without being harrassed and preached to for their choices. It's important to work out what you truely believe before jumping headfirst. While religion is an important part of society, it should never be taken too literally or seriously. Those who shove their beliefs down other's throats irritate me.
IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle)
I think I'd be Muggle-Born, because I have never fit in perfectly with my family. I love them to bits and would be lost without them, but I am also very different to them in many ways. I doubt I'd be Pure-blood because I'm not much of a traditionalist- if I was a pure-blood from one of the "old", very proud families I'd probably be disowned for my open-minded approach to life and other people. I love magic far too much to be a squib or a Muggle.
V. Which house do you not fit in at all?
I think there are aspects of my personality that'd fit in happily in each house- I can be very brave, I never give up on my friends, I love learning and I can be very determined to get what I want. However, I think I would probably get bored as a Hufflepuff- I believe loyalty is a good personality trait to have, but the Hufflepuffs sometimes seem too straight-laced for me. I've always liked to explore other avenues. They seem to work too much and play too little.
VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations?
I adore my friends but I also love getting to know other people, so inter-house relations would be very important to me. I'd probably have friends from every house. I probably would be closest to those in the same House as me simply because I know them better from spending most of my time with them. No matter how much you care for soemone it's necessary to spend some time apart from each other!
VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for?
Probably after one too many detentions given for being where I'm not supposed to be, giving cheek to my teachers, misplacing my homework (even though in my case it'll probably genuinely be because I misplaced it!) or dyeing my hair. Again.
VIII. What would you die for?
There's no thing that I would die for, but a person... If it was a situation where there was no other option but "it's me or them", then I'd give myself so my family and friends would be alright. Partly for selfish reasons- these people are a part of me and although I'd like to live to a grand old age, I'd also rather do it without having a chunk of my life missing- but also because there are people who'd miss them, too, and I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of them.
IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's?
I have lived with my two best friends for two years now and have stumbled across their diaries a few times. I have been tempted to read them- especially if I've been worried about them- but I wouldn't. Because I know how much I would hate it if they read my journal. Diaries are a place where you can vent how you're feeling without the need to worry that by doing so you might hurt someone's feelings, and people have a right to privacy. And when you're living together privacy is quite often a highly desired commodity. And my worst enemy? Well, in that case... probably! It'd be an interesting insight into them and could come in useful should they piss me off too much! I'm probably my own worst enemy though and I don't like rereading what I've written in my own journal because sometimes it leads to a bout of self-loathing!
X. What is your life's dream?
Right now all I know is that I want to do something to help others and to be happy in whatever that may be. I would like to make my mark on the world, somehow. I'd like to be involved in art in some way, whether it's writing or painting or music. Money doesn't come into it as long as I can keep out of debt and live fairly comfortably. I want to have a family one day as I adore kids (most of the time... at the moment it's nice to see them occasionally but still be able to give them back at the end of the day!) Travelling is something I'd love to do more of- a job where I get to do so would be perfect but otherwise I'd just try and go somewhere new whenever I get the chance. I want to feel fulfilled and regret-free.
XI. What makes you unique? Explain.
I'm unique insofar as I'm not identical to anyone else... But that can be said for everyone- no two people are exactly the same, there are far too many variables for everyone not to be different from everyone else. I like to be different from other people, but my ideals have come from a multitude of different places and I could not possibly take credit for all of these. I take on board what those around me are doing/watching/listening to/reading and form my own opinions from there. I suppose in this way I'm unique, in that no one has cultivated their beliefs based on quite the same way that I have mine.
XII. What sets you apart from the crowd?
This is very similar to the previous question. I think what sets me aside most is how eclectic I am. Pretty much anything goes in my life. I make it a point to give everything a chance- otherwise I worry I might miss out on something I'd otherwise love. Despite how fiercely protective I have no qualms with arguing my point if I think they're being narrow-minded.
XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most?
Probably wrath. When I care for someone arguments affect me deeper than they do with people I barely know and I lose my rag very easily- and it can take me ages to cool down and get over whatever issues there may be. If someone annoys me, they know all about it. Either they'll be treated a stony silence or there'll be a lot of yelling.. and probably things being thrown around.