loony, loony!

Aug 29, 2006 03:20

Name: Mitzi
Age: 19

I. Describe yourself:

I'm so grateful this question doesn't end, "in five words," that annoys me. Anyway! I'm going into my third year in college as a Classics major. I'm an avid reader, but I'm picky about what I read. I love music almost as much (and sometimes more) than books and I really do think I have fantastic taste in it. I was born in Mexico City and am still quite proud of that. I'm obsessive and funny, and at no time am I weirder than when I'm with my five uni friends, the best girls in the world and the greatest friends anyone can ask for. I'm opinionated whenever I'm able to pick one side of an issue since I possess the sometimes frustrating quality of being able to see both sides to most issues and argue for and against both sides in my head. I can be succinctly described by my favorite quote from Pride and Prejudice: "There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well." It's true, I don't like too many people and I am a bit of a misanthrope, but I'm not hateful. I'm more likely to be annoyed with people and then forget about it on my own than go on some mad sporking rampage, is my meaning. Above all, I'm a shameless fangirl especially when it comes to David Thewlis and Remus Lupin (in case my journal name wasn't enough of a hint).

II. What are some of your pet peeves?

It bothers me no end when people confuse "your" with "you're", "their" with "they're", and so on. It really does because there honestly is NO REASON they should be mixed up! Also, I hate unnecessary apostrophes: "80's" instead of "80s". On a more fandom-related note, I can't stand shippers who INSIST their pairing is canon, completely ignoring the fact that there is no proof for it anywhere (be it in the specific book, movie, tv show, etc.) Sure, ship whatever the hell you want but don't insist it's canon if it so painfully isn't.
Oh, and since I recently wrote about this in my journal, I can't stand people who, upon learning I'm a Classics major, ask me, "Oh gosh, are you going to be able to get a job with that," or some variation. A friend or family member, fine, I understand your concern, but random strangers can shove their concern for my future where the sun doesn't shine, thanks. Yeah, it could just be curiosity, but if they're a random, chances are I don't feel like discussing anything with them.

III. What is your take on religion?

I honestly think organised religions are completely unnecessary. I understand wanting to believe in a higher power with some plan for the universe who also watches over people, though. I've just lost faith in religions and I really think they're just another excuse for people to hate each other. As for everyone else, I'm really don't even care what religion people are part of. As long as it isn't being shoved down my throat I'm fine.

IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle)

I think I'd like to be Muggle Born just for the excitement of being different and being able to belong to a completely different world than the one I grew up in. I got hooked on Harry Potter because of that reason: he found out he was a wizard and there was a whole world where he belonged, far from the Dursleys. That, and I'm the first in my family to go to college in the U.S. and living at my university, being around my friends, and then coming home for the summer really has felt like a transition between different worlds.

V. Which house do you not fit in at all?

It's an epic battle between Slytherin and Hufflepuff! FIGHT!. I'm extremely loyal to my friends and family, but "hardworking" isn't exactly an adjective I'd use to describe myself. As for Slytherin, I'm ambitious but I wouldn't do anything to achieve my goals. In the end, I think I'm probably less of a Hufflepuff since I'm more likely to butter up people I can't stand to get something from them than stop procrastinating. I'm procrastinating as I type (I could and should be reviewing my Latin, for one), so there you are. I'd make a sad Hufflepuff because I'm not a busy little bee.

VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations?

They're a good idea. I wouldn't want to stick to just knowing people from my house. Not that I'd have any less house pride when it came to points and Quidditch. I'm not exactly a people person, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to know people from other houses.

VII. If you received a Howler from your parents, what would it be for?

I have no idea. I'm not exactly rebellious, and nowadays my parents just mention something I've done wrong in passing. Like, if they think I'm spending too much money, they'll mention it, maybe sound angry, but not enough to send me a howler. If I hypothetically (very hypothetically) made my parents angry enough for a Howler, they wouldn't send it, knowing it would arrive with the morning post and I'd have to open it in front of everyone. They're not the type to want to humiliate me in public or announce to the world I've done anything wrong.

VIII. What would you die for?

If, and only if, there was no other way to make sure everyone lived, I'd die for my family and my five best friends. That's about it. I wouldn't die for strangers and I wouldn't die for a country, an idea, or a belief. I like living and it's going to take a hell of a lot for me to consider giving my life for someone else.

IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's?

I'll assume that by "diary" this question refers to a real paper diary as opposed to a LJ, since I do have my best friends on my flist and I read their entries. So, if it was a matter of finding their paper diaries, I wouldn't read them. I'm not nosy about my friends and I understand not wanting to share certain thoughts no matter how close we may be.

Had I a worst enemy and their diary was in my possession, I'd do much worse than just read it. I'd read it for fodder and entertainment material, then probably destroy it. Or hold it ransom. I don't really have it in me to do something of the sort, but if I hated someone enough for them to be my worst enemy, my conscience would make an exception.

X. What is your life's dream?

My life's dream is to be happy in whatever it is I end up doing. I changed my major from Pre-Bio to Classics because I realised med school wasn't going to make me happy, but learning Greek and Latin, which I've wanted to do for ages, would. That's about it. I would kill to be a successful rock star (seriously), but I'll take being happy with my life, having time to sit with as many good books as I please, and not falling into some horribly numbing daily routine.

XI. What makes you unique? Explain.

This is a tough question since I don't think I'm oh so unique but I don't think I'm like everyone else either (if that makes sense). My laugh is probably my most unique feature. It always startles people who don't know me because it's loud and I really don't try to restrain it. I took a class recently where we got to see a lot of comedy clips and the professor said she loved how open I was about laughing. An ex-boyfriend of my roommate told her he liked watching The Simpsons with me around because even though I knew a joke was coming I laughed as if it was the first time I'd seen it.

Aside from that, back when I was in high school and paid more attention to my classmates (as in, I tuned into their conversations where in uni now I don't care) I was one of the few kids who didn't bitch and moan about nearly every goddamn assignment. That got so old so quickly, there wasn't a day I didn't want to punch someone in the face.

XII. What sets you apart from the crowd?

A few months ago I would've said my pink hair, but alas, it is brown now. So now I say that I set myself apart from the crowd. As I've said, I really don't like a lot of people so I'm not about to jump in and do anything that would make me part of the crowd. I buy clothes because I like them, not because everyone's wearing them (if everyone's wearing it, chances are I won't buy it), I listen to music because I like it, not because the band/artist is popular. I guess the best way to put it is that I do what I want and to hell with what everyone else is doing because I don't care what other people think.

XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most?

I definitely have a bit of each, but wrath probably wins. I get angry very easily. I have a tag on my journal just for rants, and as I've gone back to tag previous entries, I've noticed there are a lot of rants and mini-rants, some for really stupid things. I don't hold grudges, but I get angry too often and it takes me a while to calm down and realise that whatever little thing (and it usually is little things), I'm upset about doesn't really matter. I know I said I wasn't fit to be a Hufflepuff because I wasn't hardworking but I'm not completely lazy. If sloth was my greatest sin I really wouldn't be bothering with higher education, I figure.

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