(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 16:09

i have strep throat.
strep throat sucks.
strep throat especially sucks on homecoming/parents weekend, when all you want is your parents and your bed and your home and everyone has part of that but you. not so fun.
wrote my history proposal, emailed it to my TA earlier this weekend, and i just sent my journalism teacher my two papers due today & my extra credit.. at least thats some work out of the way.
emailed my bestsellers teacher for an extension on my paper due wednesday, hopefully i can get til friday, thatd make things a lot easier. though it means pileup on friday - quiz on harvest, math midterm AND that paper due.. not so fun, but better than doing a bad job on the paper in the next two days..
life is sort of shaky, but im pushing myself through.
once this week is over november should be calmer.. and then ali comes & then its thanksgiving break like, three days later.
i really miss california a lot. i love boston, but california is definitely my home.
i love my naomi. and my jenni & my ali. theyre amazing. theyre pretty much the reason im okay right now... so im just really really really lucky to have them. ♥
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