My legs... My arms... My.... me

Aug 11, 2005 17:05

I had an intense Hap Ki Do class on Tuesday with Instuctor Charrd (spelling) and it is accually burned into my brain now.

-Withot any stretches we went straight into lunges around the room 3 times
-Duck walks twice around the room
-Judo Crawls around once
-Army Crawls around once
-Hopping pushups around twice
-Standbys (Flipping onto your back as an evasion roll) around the room twice
-1 miunte break
-Wind rolls (Touch on line touch oppisite line. Roll twice to the the oppisite next, ect.)
-Wind sprints (Same thing, but with sprinting)
-40 pushups
-Core exercises
-Round of shoulder rolls, long dives, and more standbys back and forth
-Round of diffrent kicks
-And last but not least over 20 minutes straight of technique also involveing me being fliped over someone's back over 30 times.

To some this may not be as bad as I made it seem to some, but it is to someone my age.

Also with that I got a new CD at HMV. It's Kayne West. I was looking for Handsome Boy Modeling School, but it wasn't there. Then I tried the Sweatchop Union CD I lost a while back, but it was too much money. So I got Kayne, which isn't a bad listen.
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