Times Are Hard, Life Is Shit, Here's Your Freakin' Birthday Gift

Sep 19, 2007 20:36

I turened 22 exactly one week ago.  Feels fantastical, I guess.  Just another year closer to shaking hands with the Slash.

I've been eating my weight in Dr. Lanson's All-Powerful Beef Formula with my associate in munching, "Petting Zoo."  We both do this because we know the other shifty-eyed dwellers won't tocuh that stuff; it's like Tapatio sauce in a senior citizen's milk bottle to them.

The temperatures of Flagstaff lately are kind of nutty.  I had to sleep in a lightsabered Ton-Ton last night just to stay warm.  As soon as the sun rose everything was fine.  In fact, it was just right.  No clouds with full bladders and the farting winds of Jesus were at a minimum.  Yay, I can wear my jackets again without breaking a sweat on my testes or armpits.

Speaking of which, after 1 year of going clean and white-stuff free, I bought a stick of deoderant.  It's not like I needed it.  I hardly sweat and even when I do, it smells of an aged liquor.  Still, there's something about that Winterfresh gum scent coming from my 'pits that just makes me giggle to myself.

Mmmmm... laundry on Sunday is going to be very creative.  Thank goodness I've got "Propamanda" and "Caustic" to help the creativeness.

Oh yeah, that daughter of a monkey's uncle I know as my REAL grandmother found out where my new house is and mailed me a birthday check for 100 deutsch marks.  I swear I'll never be rid of the bitch.
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