(no subject)

Oct 14, 2007 03:07

 I am literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown right now.

The shifts at the hotel at 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, OR 11pm-7am. Only night auditors can work the 11pm-7am shift due to the fact that the audit must be done during that time. Well, I am one of the only two auditors on staff here and I am supposed to work Saturday and Sunday nights while RON works Mon-Fri. WELLLLL...there was a schedule change and I was supposed to work 3pm-11pm tonight and Ron was supposed to work 11pm-7am...in turn, I would work Monday 11pm-7am.

Digest that.

Alright, so I came in to work at 3pm, as scheduled, and due to the fact that RON HATES MY GUTS, he has not shown up for work. Guess what that means...yes. I won't get off until 7am. I had someone get injured in the pool area, a fire alarm broken by some douchewad (alarm went off because he decided to knock it off the ceiling), and several parties featuring children who are 'ding-dong ditching' other guests due to lack of parental supervision. Right now I have a black man who is higher than a frikkin KITE back here microwaving a pizza because I was afraid to say no.

This is the perfect ending to a HORRIBLE week of stressing out and being completely overwhelmed about what happened last weekend, whether I'm pregnant or have a disease, dealing with my mom's HATRID toward me and I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm about to cry and just fucking give UP. I'm seriously having a breakdown and there is NO ONE. No one to call or tak to or help me and I'm so tired of fighting.
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