Feb 02, 2008 11:44
What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream? I can't say that I have one. I mean for the longest time I struggled with the simpiliest things. And made everything out to be worst or harder than it really was. Now that I'm at a point where everything, i just how Its supposed to be. Or thats how if eel it is, I can't really dream for anything else. What is your worst fear? Not being who i am anymore.What do you think of when you think of being alone? Why I'm alone and What got me here.Does blood scare you/make you sick? Not if its just a cut or something, But i cannot stand seeing people cut themselves or being tortured.Do you have morbid thoughts? No, My thoughts are pretty simple.Do you remember when you lost your innocence? I haven't lost my innocence.What is the worst trait a person can have? I do not like liars, or What I like to call sketchy behavior. Do you know who you are? Yes, I know who I am very well.What is your worst addiction? Im not sureDo you hide who you really are to keep your family happy? Not really, no I'm pretty truthful to myself. Would you die for another person if it saved their life? I'm not sure.Do you cry when a disaster happens in the world? No, I can't say that I ever have. In order for me to cry it has to hit pretty close to home, although I am a sucker for sad movies. If you could go back and change one thing from your past, what would it be? Just One time, One small time Do you ever lie to make someone happy? No, I'm really straightfoward and I realize that sometimes It really gets me into some bad situations but In the end, It was worht it.If you could cure one disease, what would it be and why? I wouldn't cure anything, I think with all the diseases in the world right now, All of them end up teaching us a lesson. And its always a lesson that we needed to learn in the first place.What do you hate the most about yourself? My body probably, Its not that I hate it. I just want to be more, fit. Which, unlike most peopel I'm not going to sit around and complain about it. And I've started running again, so prettys oon I'll be happier.What do you love the most about yourself? My personality and thoughtsDo you contemplate life after death, and what do you conclude when you do? I can't i get confused when I even begin to think of it, I don't like the thought of it. And every question just brings up a bunch of other questions that I can't answer and No one else can answer them for me either. So I leave it alone. How do you think your karma is doing? Good or bad? Good, I think.If you could live a different life from birth to now, what would it be? I like mine, I liked the hard parts, and i liked the good parts. Right now, I just like it all together.Do you believe your dreams/nightmares hold truth? They probably do.Do you think human life is too short? Why or why not? Its only as short as you make it. I think that if you live your life with open eyes/heart/mind/body/soul , you could die at any given time and be able to accept your death even if It was too soon. But Everyone just needs to live a life where you can really take alot away from it. Would you prefer to have a shorter life with no chance of healh issues? No, I like being sick anyway.How do you think humanity will end? why? I don't like to think of that either, It just raises abunch of questions that Can't be answered.Would you rather live forever in a bunker, or die in a nuclear blast? I'm not sure, neither relaly sound to goo. What is your worst death you can imagine for yourself? Drowning or in a fire. Or dying miserably. How would you "prefer" to die, what age? Of Old age, something easy and calm. in my sleep probably' So i Don't acutally notice.Do you believe that herbal medicines are just as good as chemicle? I'm not acutally sure.Have you ever done acid/LSD/Shrooms? What was your worst trip? I have never done any type of drug.What was your best trip? N/aDescribe the scenario that allows you to best get in touch with yourself. Everywhere, I can get in touch with myself. I think That I'm really true to myself and Have figured out who i am by now. So i think that I can really tap into my inner person anytime i want. to be at peace with everthing.Do you believe in destiny? What is yours? I don't know, i don't believe in much. Just believing in tomorrow.Can music really heal us? Bob marley <3If you could be told your future in detail, would you want to know? Maybe not in detail, and not too far ahead. I like waking up and not knowing what is going to happen.If you had 5 more days to live before you died, what would you do? I wouldn't do anything different. Just do everyday How i usually do.Do you believe that animals have souls? They probably do.Have you ever felt immortal? when/why. No, I havent.What was your favourite childhood game? LifeWhat person are you most affraid of and why? Im not afraid of anyone.Have you ever thought of harming another person? Sometimes i get really mad and i want to physically harm someone. It gets really bad, but I always end up calming down.Do you have some memories that never actually happened in your past? Yeah, Its weird.If so, do you believe they are from a past life? They could have been, but i never think of it like thatWhen are you most happy? All the time.Do you prefer these surveys, or do you like the fluffy cute ones better? These ones.