May 09, 2005 18:46
I am SO bored lately. Utterly bored, and entirely unmotivated. You know how much that -sucks-?
Anyway. House of Wax was highly entertaining, and I'd recommend it to you all, especially if you dislike Paris Hilton. It's rare that I enjoy a horror movie, and though not at all scary, this was an enjoyable film. Its characters were believable, its scenes were well coordinated, and actually *gasp* had some character development! I'd even see it again, and that's really saying something.
Oh, I almost got hit in the head with a bat in gym today. This was mostly my fault as I don't pay any attention to what's going on around in, at all. I was walking towards the bench, reading a book, and completely oblivious to the guy batting. He swung too hard, and the bat -flew- out of his hands, whirling at a billion miles per hour about a -milimeter- from my face. x_x Had I been walking just a tad faster, I'd probably be in the hospital, disfigured, blind or otherwise useless.
Nuetron died. You guys remember him? He was the sweet goldfish from chemistry who I was so thrilled to have in the classroom. I used to love watching him swim around, and would talk to him before and after class. He was sick all last week, and Mr. Jeffords said he finally "passed away" on Sunday. I guess he knows how sensitive I am, because otherwise I doubt he'd have chosen those exact words. I really want to do something to commemorate him. You know, some ancient cultures believed that souls were elevated by thoughts, care, and concern for something, even if it were no longer alive. Should that be true, though I'm not big on religious superstition, I'd like to at least give him something material for people to remember him by.
It's not been a good two months. Not even considering losing someone important to me, how fucked all of April was, dying fish, and flying bats, it's been pretty bad. Nothing seems to interest me anymore. Everything I hear is something I've already heard, and everything I see is something I've already seen. All of my music is old, all of my interests I've researched, and really, well, about the only things I really can seem to feel enthusiastic for lately are singing and makeup. Speaking of the two, I might update with a little of both later...maybe. If I feel like it. (Which chances are I won't...)