There's nothing you can't do with mighty putty!

Jul 12, 2008 11:51

Richard Mays is so annoying. I just saw infomericals on "iCan insurance," "Easy-off BAM," and "Mighty Putty" in one hour with him and his lame Al Borland beard advocating both, so I decided to Wiki him. He has advertised over 50 products.

Anyhoo, I suppose I'll provide some sort of an update. I'm quite a busy woman. I have two jobs and an internship, so basically I am strapped for free time - but at least I'm not strapped for cash. I made 300 dollars last night working at the restaurant/bar. That's more than I make at my day job per week. As Carson and I sat in the upstairs living room on the rug drinking our nightcaps and watching the lightning, I suddenly realized that I am a grown woman. I am making enough money to support myself - I'm paying off my student loans and paying for insurance. Hey, I even have my own cell phone plan with a fancy "smart phone." I've been so busy, though, that I hardly have the time to sit back and reflect on where my life is right now. I feel so lucky that I had a beautiful chance to leave NC in a trail of dust and am now living in a big, beautiful, clean, quirky city. To top it off, I am in a relationship wherein communication is open; arguments aren't really arguments, but rather short debates; laughter makes my belly sore everyday; sex is beautiful; and real love exists. I am filled to the brim with satisfaction.

I just hope that one day (and soon, please?) I will have one job that pays enough, which would allow me to have evenings and weekends to relax, exercise, and generally just do things for myself.

I should probably also mention a significant change I have recently made in my life. For quite some time now, I have told myself that one day I will eventually eat meat again. The main reason why I kept it out of my diet was due to the way that most animals in this economy are raised and the insane amounts of hormones and antibiotics forced into them. The basis of my diet has been foods that are as natural as I can manage feeding myself. That said, there is no reason why I should rule out hormone and antibiotic-free, naturally raised meat.
For 4th of July weekend, I traveled to the Ozarks - Rogers, Arkansas, to be exact. I spent the weekend with my Dad, Mike, my brothers, and Mike's family. Mike's family owns acres and acres of beautiful farmland near the War Eagle River. The weekend consisted of long canoeing trips, hiking, a private fireworks show under the starriest sky I've ever seen, and eating local, naturally raised beef and pork (steak, burgers, ribs, bacon - OH MY). I indulged, to say the least. The weekend left me feeling so sluggish, though. Meat, from now on, will only be an occasional treat.

After last weekend, I promised myself I would live in the Ozarks one day. I will post pictures once my little brother sends them to me. For now, here are some that I have recently taken here in my new home.

Marley is pretty much the cutest dog I have ever encountered. Observe. In this photo, he is sucking on his favorite stuffed animal (the tiger doesn't get as much attention). He kneads the toy with his paws while suck, suck, sucking away.

Not to mention one of the most beautiful dogs, too.

Paper clip curtain.

View from the second floor.

Sleeping quarters.

Marley in his "biscuit."

The neighborhood.

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