got in to 2universities

Mar 01, 2007 11:57

I have been conditionally accepted at both cardiff and chester...chester want me to get MMM....cardiff just want me to pass the course. I'm hopnig i'll get in at brum and hereford cuz that'll mean i got into all of them (as i didnt send off the disk to falmouth in the end and i cant make it to brighton's interview). Hereford interview is today, i'm not really nervous though. i wasn't nervous at cardiff either until he was really mean, but hey...still got in.

dave passed his endurance test and all the others so he's definitely coming home next week :D i'll only see him a couple of days but it's better than not seeing him at all.

College work is at it's minimum at the moment. i'm so lazy right now. i jsut can't befucked to do anything...i need motivation! and 3projects having to be in on the same day (in two weeks time) is not making me the keenest student right now.

got work tonight...i don't wanna go....noooooooooooooooooooooo....but it's money for whatever so.

not going out friday(this is the first week i havent gone drinking in like a year!)...i'm gonna tidy my room, get an early night and get up early next day...go to town with my mum and then get ready for work for 4pm. then i'll get home about 2am then sleep till 10am, then back to work at 12 till 6pm. i feel like i'm doing ridiculous shifts...and i think i'm right.ah well's not holiday pay on friday...ima going shopping next week. memo-must buy shoes.
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