May 24, 2008 21:32
On Thursday, I was admitted into an ER due to severe abdominal pain and a super high temperature. I'm still sittin' here in a hospital, in the birthing sweet, thanking the powers that be because for the first day, I haven't had a fever spike.
This is good news for two reasons:
One- I'm hopefully going to be released early due to the kind nurses, so I'll get to spend the night in my own bed Sunday.
Two- I am not going to have surgery on my appendix, which would be very risky to the life of my child... which the OB/GYN didn't seem to comprehend the importance of. A nurse came in and told me that she agrees with the things I was saying about Dr. Daley (who is Dr. Tool's affiliate in their private practice). When she told me that Dr. Daley doesn't have children of her own, I was not surprised at all. I was appalled by the way she was pushing for the surgery when the surgeon general who came to see me was not. When she asked me what his suggested course of action was, I told her: Since I could eat without any problem, the tests he performed showed no real signs of appendicitis, and because of the high risk to the baby... he suggested antibiotic treatment. Her response was, "Well, I'll go ask him what he thinks the right course of action is." So insulting.
I will be happy when I get out of here. The nurses, I loved. The surgeon specialist was great. The OB/GYN? ...
p.s. I'm having a boy. I've named him Blake Daniel Champion. Blake because both DJ and I like the name, Daniel because that's the baby's daddy's first name and Champion cause I promised my dad years ago that I would carry on the family name.