i told tom i would make my decision one way or another this weekend, him versus brian. brian and i are going to a family thing so we'll see how it turns out (last time, a few weekends ago, he left me alone with like thirty people i didn't know and went golfing with his cousin instead for four hours), and we're going to the casino (where we usually
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Guys will always be guys, sexuality is a part of their need, you can say. But as long as he respects your wishes and don't push you into doing something you don't want, I'd say it's fine. He may express what he would like to do but he must also respect your choices. Taking out anger on you, it could be a form of...familarity. People only take anger out on the people they feel comfortable with and trust them enough to know that they can use them as a temporary verbal punching bag when things go south.
Oh, and never settle for someone who doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
But that's just my opinion. It all depends on what you want and who you want. And you must be firm and sure in your choice and not linger back and forth, giving either of them false hope.
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