(no subject)

May 10, 2007 06:34

Hannah regained consciousness and immediately found herself shivering. She felt cold, light drops of rain all over her body, yet she could barely open her eyes. She didn’t want to - she was afraid she would only meet darkness for what seemed to be the hundredth time. She longed for the warmth of Susan’s home, of Ernie’s embrace. For the past couple of days, Hannah didn’t think she’ll live to savour it again. She felt weak and hopeless; her body limp in the familiar arms that carried her.

It was the same arms that carried her to bed for a night time story when she was a little girl. The same arms that hugged her tightly on Platform 9 ¾, amidst all her crying, and reassured her that there was nothing to worry about.

She felt a huge burden inside of her, and a great desire to cry. To just have her tears let her know that it will all be alright. Somehow. There had to be a way. There just had to.

Hannah felt the arms let go of her and place her body carefully on the hard, concrete ground. He didn’t seem to know she was aware of what was going on. She had no way of knowing anyway - the black hood of his cloak covered his entire face. It pained Hannah to think of why he seemed to be concealing himself from her more than he already did.

She shivered once more in the cold, but finally opened her eyes and saw where she was. Ernie’s house. Her father was bringing her back. Confusion overcame her thoughts, but soon enough she realized what was happening. She couldn’t waste anymore time.

“I love you, Dad,”

As weak as she sounded saying it, she knew it would be the last time her father would be able to hear those words from her. Deeply aggravated as she might be at the thought, she knew she had no way to stop it. There was just no way that her father can be brought back into her life again, try as she might. No matter what he did, it would never be enough. Not after what he did to her mother.

She could’ve sworn that there was a whole moment’s pause.

And with a loud crack, he vanished.

It was then that tears started to pour out of her eyes. She didn’t bother to wipe a single one.

She could just tell that soon enough, she will be an orphan.

Hannah tried to stand up, feeling weaker with each passing second. Quickly, she desperately knocked on the door, her legs barely able to support her.

Please, oh please let Ernie be there.


Ernie’s shoulders ached. At least, that was the pain he was focusing on now. Having fallen asleep at Susan’s side for the third time that week, she had forced Ernie up and to a real bed.

“You had better get good nights sleep, Macmillan. You know I can tell!” And with a smile and a hug he made his way home.

As tired as he was, Ernie couldn’t get to sleep. His body screamed for rest, his mind ached for the nothingness, but he just couldn’t do it. A picture of Hannah swam before his closed eyes. Under the London eye, her hair tinged orange with sunset, her blushing cheeks, her bright eyes, her smile, her lips…

Where the hell could she be? Why haven’t I found her? I feel so bloody useless! Ernie thought angrily, throwing a pillow across the room.


Wait. Crack? A pillow wouldn’t make that sound. Unless…

Ernie flew out of the bedroom towards the front door. His heart was in his throat, beating violently against his Adams apple. His mouth was suddenly dry and a part of his mind wondered how he could feel so awake when he would have welcomed a draught of living death moments ago. Another part still had enough sense to tell Ernie to get his wand out.

There was a knock at the door. Wand in hand Ernie skid to a halt behind it.

A Death Eater wouldn’t knock…would they? thought Ernie, as he envisioned a hooded character not unlike Death outside his door.

Perplexed, Ernie hoarsely asked the door, “Who is it?”

“Ernie? Ernie, it’s me.”

The voice sounded so small and tired. All the same he recognized it straight away. It couldn’t be? After so long? Let it be her, please let it be her.

Against the wishes of that small but still functioning part of his rational mind, Ernie grabbed the door handle and swung the door open as fast as he could. Everything beyond the small semicircle of light from the doorway was pitch black. Then he saw her. The first thing he saw were her eyes. They weren’t as bright as the picture in his mind minutes ago but they showed him how happy she was to see him.

Hannah was weak from her ordeal and her legs finally gave way. Ernie caught her instinctively. She was shivering.

She encircled her arms around Ernie’s his neck, holding on for dear life. He held her tight and just as possessively.

He knew he missed her awfully, that he ached to have her in his arms again, but now that she was in his embrace, he realized how lost he was without her. A part of him was missing, that’s what it was. And now he was whole again, because he had her in his arms.

Ernie held her close, taking in the feel of her, the smell of her. Hannah. His Hannah.

Ernie carried her into the house. The living room was the closest, so he laid her down on the couch and flicked his wand twice to close the door and light the fire.

Sitting down next to her, and in the light of the fire, he could finally see her properly. She was gaunter and had circles under her eyes that seemed misplaced on her delicate face. He didn’t need a mirror to know he had bags to match, but they seemed to just be a part of him lately. He ran his hands up her arms, her neck and onto her face. Her cheeks rose under his palms with a smile. His thumbs brushed her cheeks as if they had to prove she was here. He hadn’t let go of her since she fell into his arms and Hannah was grateful. The contact reminded her that this wasn’t another daydream and she really was with Ernie at last.

A tear ran down her cheek and Ernie hurriedly wiped it away before pulling her into his arms again.

Finally he spoke. “It’s you.”

Hannah was home.

((OOC: A bit late in posting this, I apologize. At least I can now get back in the game. =D I missed you guys!))
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