(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 18:43

It was 11:30 pm and Hannah was working late at St. Mungo's. It was completely her choice, and she didn't really have to do it. In her mind she knew Susan, Justin, and especially Ernie would be mad as hell when they find out, but she needed something - ANYTHING to keep her mind off things. Besides, Ernie was working overtime as well and Susan needed her time alone, so she figured they won't really mind - or notice even.

The only person left in the floor, she was writing furiously with her quill - hastily trying to finish extra paperwork.

Hannah looked up from the parchment to check the time, and as she did she saw a black figure quickly hide behind a huge shelf. The silence surrounding her suddenly started to become eerie and uncomfortable...

... and Hannah felt frightened.

She started taking deep breaths. Calm down, Hannah. Calm down. It's just your silly imagination.

She tried to rid her head of what she saw, but was unsuccessful. She couldn't contain herself any longer and with that, she decided to go to the shelf and find out if something, or someone was really there.

Cautiously, she approached it, her heart pounding faster and her deep breaths becoming more constant with every step.

She gained a full view of the other side of the shelf.


Hannah breathed a sigh of relief, when a split second later she felt a hand cover her mouth.

She tried to scream, but nothing loud enough came out - only a whimper.

"It's been a while, Hannah." The voice sounded so familiar and so close to her heart that she felt tears in her eyes.

And the next thing she saw was darkness.

((OOC: Yes, awful much? But I wanted to add more to the plot amidst doing my Math homework, so my brain wasn't functioning properly. And I apologize for my horrible writing. I ... tried? XD

Rix, I hope this is ok with you.))
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