The Decade In Review

Dec 31, 2009 15:06

Ten years ago I moved to a new state. I've been a good friend and a bad one, was accepted into college, and gained new insights about myself and the world around me. I've become a better artist, and developed bad habits. I became connected to the internet. I found and lost my writer's voice, and am now working to find it again. I found love! Twice! And lost one of those (obviously) and dove into the deep end of the depression pool. I grew up, but not enough to make me into an old lady. I discovered myself and who I want to be, and stopped myself from becoming a person I didn't like. I stood up for myself, if rarely. I watched as my grandfather deteriorated into who he is today: an elderly child, and prayed to the God that I lost faith in thirteen years ago to not let that happen to my mother. I graduated from a school that I was mostly ambivalent about, and found a new one that will give me my key to the rest of my life. I discovered inking, goth, and what it means to be a creative being.

In 2010 I will push myself to become a better, confident artist and writer. I will become the person I want to be, not the person I have let myself turn into. I will (hopefully) get Maggie and Daniel to teach me things! I will become a better storyteller! I will try to make comics, and stories, and things I care about!

This is a new decade, and a new beginning. It might be hard (I know it will be, actually) but it will be worth it.


the astonishing adventures of me

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