10 Things I have Learned this Week

Oct 22, 2009 13:00

Everyone should post 10 things they've learned this week on their blog of choice.

1. You can't make someone care about something if they absolutely don't want to. Similarly, it is futile to get upset about that apathy.

2. With environmental encouragement and self-confidence, I become a better artist.

3. Talking about racism and slavery is awkward, and will always be awkward, especially when others insist that people are not products of their time.

4. Expensive materials do not necessarily make someone a better artist, but they certainly help a great deal.

5. Being a storyteller is not frightening, as long as you and your players both understand that you might be new. Thus, having high expectations about having a good game, while optimistic, is often foolhardy. However, I will ignore these facts and pray for the best.

6. Measuring yourself against other people and what you think they believe about you can be foolish.

7. People will believe what they want to, and sometimes don't listen to what the world (or you) is telling them.

8. This article (click for link) has continued to influence my thoughts on Asian and non-European steampunk in general.

9. Being rational about one's feelings is sometimes difficult. Sometimes, being actively upset is not the worst thing that can happen. Identifying why you are upset is, however, good to understand oneself.

10. Trying to draw ethnicities other than your own is not as frightening as the internet would have me believe.

Bonus: 11. Tiny sketchbook is almost too tiny.

the astonishing adventures of me, 10 things

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