May 25, 2005 01:43
Why is everything always a joke?
I'm serious.
I'm so fucking serious.
Ya know...
It's been ok.
But it's time that I should go.
I mean...
Don't you think it's time that I finally take that step?
Finally, just... never wake up? Ever?
I've been toying with the idea for a while now. Sometimes the need subsides a bit but you see... when it comes back? It roars with a deafening vengence.
I'd make sure it was semi-quick but I can't promise you that it would be clean or painless.
At least there wouldn't be brains on the wall or eyeballs under my dresser.
I can't take this anymore.
I can't take any of it.
God... I just wish... I wish it would all end.
I want to end.
Let me take my final bow and have those velveteen curtains fall.
Let the credits roll.
Who am I kidding?
I won't do it.
I know I won't.
I wish I could. I really do.
I'm stuck.
No one will ever come for me.
No one will ever help.
Or care.
I'm serious.
So fucking serious.
My face is dead.
I'm sorry.