Today i went to the mall with Sam Lauren and Josh. mad crazy times. Poem i wrote. I dont care if it sucks its how i feel.
Pull the anchor back up
I dont want to stay here forever
I dont want to be like this forever
Sail back to the time we were young and ecstatic
We’re older, yeah its tragic
Used up
Washed out
I know its hard to go against the current
But its much harder to go with the flow
I know the fish are the same in every part of this wretched, polluted wasteland
It doesn’t matter take me to another spot
The good ones are hiding in the dark
Secluded from everyone else
Smart, you know?
Never to be seen or heard of
Never to be caught
It’s funny isn’t it?
The ones you don’t want are always at the surface
Always trying to bite a line they know they’re not wanted on
I think I changed my mind
I always thought I wanted to be a beautiful and unique sea shell
But now I think I’d rather be seaweed
Never touched
Left alone on the shore
But that’s what we all want isn’t it?
Sure a shell is pretty to look at but what can you do with a shell
And every time its picked up
Its one step closer to shattering
So, Sail out past the buoys
That looks like a good spot
Throw me out into the water
I would make a great anchor
If there was something worth holding onto