[VIDEO POST] KAT-TUN's Change Ur World (PV)

Jan 06, 2011 16:37

Kyaa! Kyaaa! Ok I'm a total KAT-TUN fangirl like whoaaaa... They are absolutely amazing in this video though. Their dancing is MUCH more in sync than before, but you can still see their individual dance styles showing through with their moves. There are some freakin' hilarious parts to this though... All of the boys are doing something physically impossible/manly... whatever... Kame smashes through concrete, Ueda's walking through fire, Koki's changed to a huge-ass boulder, Junno is... I dunno doin' something in the water, and Maru's free-falling into a beautiful night view of a city. Then there's this pretty little white boy that's I dunno... sitting in bed and follows this cube around or something. My favorite part is slightly after Koki's little rap solo, and the boys are like... WHAAAA or something, the dancing is pretty damn cool. So here it is.

Change Ur World (PV)

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videos, johnny's entertainment, kat-tun

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