Dec 26, 2005 16:01
I had the best Christmas of my life yesterday.
Let's list...
-a brand new, amazing printer with an attachment that prints out pictures from my digi, holler.
-a bunch of different gift certificates.
-new shoes
-my new perfume that i wanted. hardcore.
-a new book, that i love.
-a crazy coloring book for psychadellic drawings. my mother says "this is really good for those nights when you party and you're chilling, all relaxed and the room is spinning"
-socks :)
-underwears and a bunch of beaters. oh yes.
-3 new DVDS
-a bunch of crazy, awesome stocking stuffers..
and a whole lot more that i can't think of off the top of my head.
My family came over and it was awesome. We had a really nice day and my Aunt told me that she might be able to get me a job at the hospital in CT this summer. It will be an all summer thing and I'll make 12 dollars an hour. She's going to try and make the schedule so that I can be down there Mondays-Wednesdays, doing 12 hour shifts, and I'll have the rest of the week to come back here. I don't want to miss all summer with my friends. I said to my mom, "If I'm going back and forth, I'm guna need a car" and she said...yes you will :) :) :). Which means if I get the job there is a 99 percent chance I'm getting a fucking car. I'm super excited.
Amber, Titty and Heather came over later. Then Ryan. We played DDR and karaoke on the Xbox, it was hilarious. We then went to the movies and saw the Ringer, which I recommend for everyone. However, Amber and I can't figure out why it's called the Ringer, Tiff thinks it's cause he's the ring leader, but no.
It was such an awesome movie..we all drove in the car blasting I will survive and singing it, which was perfectly okay with me. I love those people and I love the memories we make. Thanks.
Anyways, I need to go shower my ass up because I'm going out with my Sarah :) and meeting up with ingrid before she goes to German Land.
Merry Belated Christmas, bitches.
...OH, and before I forget, thank you so very much for calling me to tell me you weren't coming and even more for just not coming at all. I can really tell how excited you were. Don't tell me you were tired, don't tell me you didn't have time..don't tell me anything, in fact, because I've heard it all from you and quite frankly, don't care. Merry Christmas...and thanks, a lot.