there's no beauty in bleeding mascara

Jun 05, 2005 14:40

sigh.. :D
me and my blake are good now..
i love him so much...
he means more to me than a lot of things.. lol
we decided that we're "straightedge"..
at least until we're together..
then its party time...
its gonna be hard considering the fact that i'm
a "big drinker".. hahaha
i can do it tho.. i'll just have to watch
everyone this summer.. poop. heehee.

despite the things going on..
i just want you ALL to know that
you all are still MY friends...
nothing can change that. k?

i have exactly 5 days of school left..
and 6 till i graduate! woop. :D

my parents don't want me to to long beach..
mainly cuz we found out i didn't make the "lotto"
to get into a dorm... hopefully that changes...
i really want to go to long beach.....
i don't want to stay home another year.... :/...

i have really random updates lately. o well.
i have pics from friday i still have to put on here..

well i gotta go clean my room..
mexicans are coming next weekend for graduation...
then.. i have to type up my part of my english final..
the work never ceases.. heehee.
pics later.. k? peace out homies..

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