Jul 09, 2005 19:36
i weighed myself this weekend and i'm down to 109!! well, it was 108, but i've been eating a bit. so it's 109 now. poo. oh-well, this week is going to be my "get down to my goal week".
my most current stats are..
ch: 5'2"
cw: 109
hw: 125
lw: 108
stg: 105
ltg: 90
i've lost about 6 pounds within the last week.
i was 115 and my bmi was like 21 or 20 something or something like that when i first joined were_not_hungry.
now i'm 109 and my bmi is 19.3 i think. thanks to you guys for the support just four more pounds until my short term goal is reached!! yay. i'm going running again tomorrow if it's not raining. grr, stupid hurricane. but i love rain. if it is, i'll probably put in my old taebo tapes i've had since like 3rd grade. haha
i'm going to do a 2 day fast.
-diet coke
-coke zero
that all for two days.
i was watching celebrity fit club on vh1 and ewwww omg. that is so nasty. that's like, reverse thinspiration. that made me not want to eat. it was nasty.
sorry for the long update. i haven't had access to a computer this weekend.
x-posted to were_not_hungry