Dec 29, 2007 10:03
a bunch of bullshit.
thats what it is.
I know how you all like to stick together and talk shit behind each others back.
real classy.
grow the fuck up.
instead of making me look like a giant jackass, you could have told me before.
no. you guys just needed something to bitch about to each other.
then you come up with the excuse that you all don't like the way he treats me. bullshit. complete bullshit.
Since when does matt hang around me so much that he would care about me and Phil?
Since when did Goggin give a shit about me?
Plus we all know that Goggin will do anything emily says anyway.
they just don't like him, period.
they could have told me BEFORE I had to go and make things awkward for EVERYBODY else, you know, inviting him places when he was not wanted. thanks. I want my friends to be happy when we all hang out. I don't want them to feel like they need to hide anything from me. I didn't know. maybe if you didn't lie to me before, you guys wouldn't have to call me back to "See how many people you can have over" when I knew you guys were debating whether or not to have me over with my company.
I had an idea after a while when I would ask if he wanted to come over and you would all give each other these looks, real fucking nice guys. I loved it when you guys would give each other the, "Oh great" look and sigh.
thanks alot for making me look so fucking stupid and clueless.
Oh but its all so different for everybody else.
Judy cheats on Matt, multiple times and probably still is, oh but wait, they plan on getting married so shes okay in my book.
Goggin hits Emily, but since he cried and apologized, everything is A.O.K.
What if I hated Goggin? I wouldn't get a group vote, nooooo.
"Why do you hate Goggin????" and then, "Well, we all like Goggin so you're shit out of luck!!"
deal with it.
Hey, I liked Doug when him and Bialas started to date. Until he fucking insulted me and my friends, who HE JUST MET. "He was just in a bad mood." yeah, still no excuse saying that I needed to go back to 2nd grade to learn how to write, and then tell matt that the career he wants to go into will lead to failure, and THEN make fun of Jeremy's tattoo that he just got and say that, "Its the type of thing that i would expect to see on the back of some beat up, rusted ford truck with some toothless redneck driving it." reallllll fucking nice.
but whatever, Bialas liked him, so I stayed silent. Not until she started to state the way he treated her and made her feel.i didn't rally up the troops and try to convince everyone else to hate him. I thought I was the only one for a loooong time that didn't like him.
I wish all the best for Bialas, I hope that she'll find some nice guy who will worship the ground she walks on and treat her the way shes always deserved to be treated.
but I thought I could fucking trust you guys.
thanks for making me look like an idiot. thanks for making me feeeel like an idiot. thanks for making Phil look like an idiot.
thanks for being soooo fake and sooo nice to my boyfriend, who is trying his best for you guys to except him. cause thats what I wanted to whole time... yeah right.
why couldn't you guys just tell me before? like the other night, Bialas and David could have told me, instead of lying to me saying that you don't think phil likes you and when I'm saying, he loves you guys, BUT NO. You guys hated him the whole time. WHO LOOKS LIKE THE FUCKING IDIOT. ME.
You should have told me. then there wouldn't have been all that drama and then David wouldn't have to have felt "awkward" on the train or the bus or the fucking whole time.
Don't fucking lie to me. It makes me look like an idiot. It makes me feel like shit. It makes you all look so fucking great, doesn't it?
then you all don't have the guts to tell me. you guys decide that david is going to tell me on the phone and expect me to take it so well. "Since david told her, we don't have to tell her so the guilt is lifted from our souls! REJOICE!! our sins have been washed away and we don't have to carry the burden! and we don't have to deal with phil anymore."
thanks alot guys.