Jun 27, 2005 22:26
I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahha! wow.. okay..sorry 'bout that! anyways, im glad i did because i ended up spending three freaking hours at the DMV this morning. that was so horrible. but i love it!! i screwed up during the road test though, i started to turn the wrong way & the testing lady freaked out on me, its funny now that i look back on it, but at that moment i freaked out right after her. but i made it & she was really nice about the whole thing. plus my license pic ROCKS! its one of the best pics of me EVER, which is really messed up.
but bad news.. sal is on his way to sri lanka right now. that sucks...major ass too! he's not gonna be back until august 11th!!!! i have no clue how im gonna survive at work, he's the one person that makes me look forward to going to work...and now he's across the freakin world! *tear* lol. but saturday night was awesome, the restaurant i work at has this club thing from 11pm-3am & i got to stay until 1 and hang out with sal. AJ, a girl i work with ordered me some red bull & jagermeister and accidently spilled it all over my lap! but she got me another one.. that stuff kept me up half the freakin night. before i had to leave, sal gave me a hug & a kiss near my ear... hehehe, if you could only see the face im makin right now. i get so happy just thinking about him.
anyways, since sal is a billion miles away, i have to keep my mind off of him, so me & amanda are going shopping wednesday. i really want some jeans and new shoes. i bought 2 handbags today and 2 tops (a ralph lauren polo & an abercrombie tank - both on sale btw...) i love shopping. too bad the weather sucked today, i was runnin to the car in the rain. and right now theres a huge thunderstorm going on, i dont think your supposed to be on the computer when theres a bad storm going on, but i really needed to get all the different emotions out (you know, uber-happiness from getting my license & uber-sadness from sal leaving for sri lanka) well, im really hungry for some reason so im gonna go eat me a blueberry poptart... i swear i could live off poptarts..lol, anyways check ya later :P