Ohkay, let's pretend that last update by me, wasn't made, because those two days it would take me to catch up, only took me two hours.
These applications go back before June 26! So sit back!
(These applicants have been told to contact me in some way over the next week so I'm sure that they are still interested in being part of this community [since their applications were years ago] It's actually be easiest and appreciated if you are the following to just comment here to tell me)
apeainanutshelli_love_you715ferocious_x_onepassion_x_________crashxaloneinparadiseconcealed_smileohcharmlesspiinkchiikii07sometimesydnie REJECTED:
_meretseger_xorgyxbeauty___dies LEFT:
_____224 (I know I want Jenny back, so try persuaying her to come back!)
kitcat917 Now, mind you, I havn't updated the members page, but stay on the look out!