Alright, enough with this ramble jumble caca, and leaving because this community is dead.
I'm finally back and I'm extremely sorry it took so long. The week I was suppose to be home for good, my family decided to take a surprise vacation for a week to make up for the time I was gone, but I won't get into that.
It's going to take me at least the day, maybe another to straighten everything out here, I have to stamp unstampeds, go back through all of the applications I've missed and see who's been accepted, and who's been rejected, and then I have to update the members page.
I'll make a new update Tuesday the latest, with all the new members and not so members and we'll go from there!
I want to thank everyone for being so supportive of this community and being patient! I am very sorry I had to leave.
I also want to throw out an enormous thanks to Ashley
lethallyblonde and Nicole
venomxinjection for being terrific co-mods and for keeping this community up while I was away!
! keep it fresh radicals!