Apr 22, 2008 06:46
I think we might be turning the corner on matters with my father.
My other brothers attorney came back with the suggestion of a 3rd party guardian and administrator of the trust. We talked to our attorney and came down to the decision that it's probably the best idea anyways. That way they can deal with our other brother and we don't have to be the source of all his anger. We talked to a couple of professional guardians and I think we found one that we're both happy with. She seems capable of handling the drama with our other brother and she understands the need to fulfill the promise we both made to our father long ago, not to allow him to be put into either the VA or some medicaid facility.
The caseworker from Adult Protective Services wants Jack, our other brother, OUT. She is extremely upset with the court visitor's suggestion that Jack and his horde of loafing kids and wife should continue to live there. Today she's going up to the house with a detective to look for the sign of drugs and ask Jack where all the money's gone. He may very well be out today. I can only hope.
Here's to hoping we've turned the corner.