I am almost as bad as Cameron.

Jul 26, 2006 00:44

I need to update more.

I got back from Cali a little over a week ago. And guess what, another crisis insues.

I somehow injured my foot while we there. Of course, being me, I just ignore the fact it freaking hurts and have put off going to the DR. I talked to both Fred (a retired EMT) and Kevin (physical therapist) at work today about it. Their diagnosis? I either pulled a muscle really bad, tore a muscle, or broke a couple bones in my foot. The last two require surgery to fix it. lovely. I go to my Dr in the am to see what is really going on....

Everything else in life is going well. Work is good. I love my job, I really do.

Matt might be leasing a house in Rochester with 2 of his buddies. It's a gorgeous house with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms....They're getting a good deal on it, so I hope it gets all finalized and goes through. It would be good for him to move out and live on his own...

I have been reading up a storm. I think my total for the summer is over 30 books. I started reading The Series of Unfortunate Events by lemony snicket and have adored them. I only read through 6 as that's all I own, but I will be picking up the others when I can. It's nice to read a children's book which goes against normal conventions. And its nice to see a girl character who is smart and inventive, while the boy character is the bookworm and shy. Makes me happy....

I have started studying for my MTTC tests that I have to take in october. I need to pass both the English and History tests to get my certifications approved. You can take the tests as many times as you need to, but I don't feel like shelling out $150 a test every time I fail. I got some good resource books and have been immersing myself in history for the last few days. It never ceases to amaze me how little I actually know. People at work think its hilarious that I am toting around a textbook and reading it for "fun." If they only knew...it's just my inner geek shining through.

I am really excited to get back to school. This year will be a big one for me. I am not so excited about living in the house. I love Sarah and Vicky, so that part will be fine, but gah. I am already getting stressed out from the annoying e-mails with a certain officer I just do not like. I just want to get through the fall semester and then be a lazy senior. :) I actually just want to get through the year...Then I start my student teaching and hopefully another new chapter in my life.

Only one more year.
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