Jun 19, 2006 22:15
I'm sitting here and I'm waiting
I know I'm waiting because for some reason,
I've got that feeling that you always get
When you know you're waiting on something.
That itchy feeling that makes your skin crawl
Because there's not really any sort of need to scratch
But it's still an itching feeling.
And for some reason you can sit perfectly still on the outside,
But you're completely restless.
You can sit there quiet and not say a word
or make any sort of move
but you've still got that feeling
and it's making you more nervous by the minute.
then? the fidgits kick in.
your leg starts to bounce,
your fingers start to twitch in some sort of
speaking some sort of language that you don't really know.
If you're like me you get headaches,
And that's just bad news because headaches don't help any sort of situation.
I've never met anyone happy to have a headache.
And your heart starts trying to make its own beat
not the normal one you need to survive,
but this irregular list of patterns that make no sense at all
if the truth were told these patterns don't even sound pleasant
it's as if your heart were learning to play something new
and failing miserably the first hundred times
until eventually it just goes back to the same
constant and much more pleasant rythym.
and your lungs? well they shrink about twelve sizes
and the air? suddenly there's a shortage.
And your mind just happens to be completely filled with emptiness.
That's right. In these exact moments of... anticipation?
For whatever it is you're waiting on...
the universal waiting game you play
Your stare goes blank as you find a blank space on the wall;
the space inbetween a person's body and arm,
the space between a person's eyes...
just some sort of space that you've found yourself staring into.
And your mind is racing with all sorts of things
So many snapshots, one after the other,
and you can't identify a single body to save your life
so you call it gray space and stare into it
Falsely recognizing yourself as being empty
When you are full.. the truth is you are overflowing
The truth is you are overwhelmed
The truth is.. you're over.
The waiting place you've found yourself in
I mean, that I've found myself in,
For whatever reason I've found myself here,
Is a burden and I'd like it to discontinue...
I would be happier if the government or the FDA
Simply said no to this filthy excuse of an apartment complex
Where we all live in waiting...
... eviction notices are few and those to leave?
even fewer.
But we're overcrowded
and overflowing
and most certainly overwhelmed with people
of all shapes and sizes.
This waiting place is dreadful
And yet... without really having noticed it,
I never seem to leave.