(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 11:15

oh and darling don't bother to write
they haven't any mailboxes where I'm going
and they don't have stamps or currency
so it really wouldn't do much good
an envelope and a sketchy letter
wouldn't make its way out past the border
this place hasn't any certain name
only sounds and vowels that tend to change
with whichever tribe you talk to.
so I suppose as far as visitng goes,
that's out of the question, too.
For I'm not too certain how I found this place
or how to get back to you.
so I suppose you'll have to use your imagination
the sun's fairly hott most all year round
with a tropical rain on the deserted plains
and the people bury their troubles in caves
there's water everywhere if you know just where to look
and I can't say I never met a native here I didn't like
funny, though, I don't think I've found one yet.
It seems we're all visitors here
Who've been staying for days, months, weeks, and years.
But where we were born we aren't destined to die
So they came out here in hopes of a healthy decomposition
A new beginning for a very slow and windblown end.
I've decided to join them,
So don't wait up.
Don't come looking, you won't find me
Unless you happen to stumble upon this place
As I did.
In which case I may just have to find
A new destination to leave behind
Because in the larger scheme of things I was escaping you
But I don't think moving to a place with no real name
Was the smartest of things for me to do.
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