Jul 05, 2006 13:48
so i know that not that many people read this, but i want to keep a journal during my trip and i thought liveJOURNAL would be the most appropriate. i might put it on myspace as well but whatever that shit is stupid as well. so i left american soil on july second, the morning after gavins brothers wedding. since the montage wants to keep their liquor license intact so my fellow minors and i could not drink and be merry with my friends and family. obviously, we had to make up for it and bought a bunch of beer and got wasted in a hotel room. this led to me still being drunk when my father tried to wake me up at the crack ass of dawn. so off we went. couple vicodines later i was in dallas on a layover and then off to paris. the flight wasnt bad at all. sleeping aids definitely helped though. i sadly left my fucking ipod on the plane so that bummed me out until i the first night of our paris experience. we went out with this girl who is 17 and is the daughter of the family we are staying with. this was quite the experience. house parties in france are almost exactly the same as house parties in california. only difference is the language. this only effected our ability to converse with new friends but soon beers and shots were ingested and speaking a different language was a conversation starter. the funniest part was when (after hours of loud music and beer bottles being thrown off a five story building) the fucking cops came. instead of handing out MIPs like they were flyers, the cops came in and greeting us in their pleasant accents. nothing happened and we eventually left at around 1 AM. the next day we did the tourist thing. we saw a lot of the city including the louvre and kings garden. this was actually a lot of fun but tiring. after we split up with our french counterparts, gavin and i got down to business and found a "beer bar" where they had copius amounts and a huge variety of beer. after several beers we got on our way back to the house, drunkedly missed our stop and was forced to walk a bit. when we got back, we changed and headed back out to get some food and drinks and watch the ffootball match. pretty boring game until the last 45 seconds basically. after the game and lots of wine, we were pretty tired so we headed back. obviously, we accidently got on the express train and missed our stop, but went even further past it. this was bad. we were in a suburb of paris, exhausted, jetlagged and completely lost. an hour and a half and several beers later, we somehow made it back. that is basically it. i will write a lot more if anyone cares. if you care about me email is georgelsanders@cox.net. hahaha