Sep 25, 2004 22:37
How come everyone thinks that they're life is the worst and everything always happens to them? Are people who have that feeling selfish? Coplaining that THEY are sad and THEY are is everyone else! Doesnt everyone feel that way sometimes, that nothing is going your way and the world hates you? The funny thing is that everyone eventually goes through the same things in life just at different times. So if you think that its only happening to you, chances are that its happening to someone you know either at the same time or will happen to them eventually. New topic. Karma is a crazy little critter. I think its fun how things come back to bite you in the ass if your a jerk to someone. I try not to do anything to people when they piss me off b/c i know that I dont have to do anything to them, they will get theirs eventually. I got flipped off for the first time the other day when i was driving. I thought it was so funny. He got so mad at the fact that I was like 4 feet away from his car and he thought that i was going to hit him and he flipped me off. I just turned around and continued to park while Lauren screamed at him as if he could hear her through the windows, then he sped off. Weird how we think that people can hear things through our cars. I always talk to people in other cars, and even though I know that they cant hear me, it makes me feel better to say whatever I want, thinking that I'm being heard. The second funniest thing is to watch the passenger sit there in awe and not understand why your screaming at other drivers on the road. Its a completely different point of view on the other side of the car...weird. My point is that one day when that guy is parking somewhere, some other asshole is going to flip him off, and hes going to be like...jerk. Although he wont remember flipping me off, maybe it will make him think twice about flipping someone else off now that he knows how it feels.
Driving...such a complicated, yet simple challenge we have to face everyday.
I'm so lame.