Mar 30, 2006 01:14
115 am.
i can't sleep.
i have to be awake in 4 hours and 45 minutes for school.
I csl'd at tops tonight. lame as well but oh well i need the money.
my mom keeps yelling at me to go to bed.. it scares the shit out of me and makes me jump EVERY TIME.
I sent a letter tonight.. who knows what will come of it.
I'm so sick of highschool.
86 days and counting.
I want a big romance.. whirlwind and whatnot. I'll never get it.
Right now I'd settle for a prom date.
Its my senior year.. I want it all.. prom date, parties, and whatnot.
I already got the senior play part down, and almost over with.. every part of my senior year has fallen into place except this.. except prom.
I got the college, the scholarship, the win at the big game during homecoming, the part in the play, the best friends, the new friends, I just need the prom date.
oh well.
we'll see.
I think I'm destined to be the girl thats alone forever.. no prom date, no boyfriend. she lives alone her whole life, eventually evolving into the lady with all the cats...
oh dear me. I'm gonna be a catlady.
Well, at least I'll be a rich catlady - college needs to hurry up so I can work really hard and get a really good job that I hate but I can be addicted to, to pour myself into, so it looks like i'm just a workaholic and thats why I never had a relationship.. instead of because I'm relationshipally retarded.
In my ten year plan, 4 years after i land the good job and I make a name for myself and I save money.. My gay boyfriend and I are going to have a child turkey baster style, and live happily ever after. Him, raising the child, me doting upon it the way I was not as a child, searching for something I never had in myself. I, with the good job, will support the family because my gay boyfriend has a crazy dream of being in a band and will never have a sensible job.. but i love him for this among other things.
god i belong in a mental institution.
if you made it this far into this entry.. Applaud yourself.