Hi first livejournal entry of 2006.
Well, my winter break was good. I only slept home about twice, or so. Stayed in Bricktown for two days, went to Sammi's sweet 16. Slept over Jamie's, kicked her and Marisa's ass in Mario Party. Laughed a lot. Went to bed, at 5:30? Next mourning, went to Alanna's until I returned this mourning.
The first day of winter break felt like summer, I hate how seeing one person mixed up so much shit in my life. I hate how someone will say they would do something, and they don't even do it. Did you really have to say it? Was is fucking neccessary or something? I spent all this time fucking "recovering" for nothing, for you to fuck everything up after five fucking months.
I'm honestly giving up, never talking to any boys ever again. All they do is fuck up everything, and leave. Then when everything is alright again, they come back and fuck up everything again.
I don't even know why I'm writing in this.
I peirced my lip, I don't think I'm putting a ring in it. I really want snakebites.
I feel like complete shit, three nights in a row. Today I woke up nauseous.
Tommorow is the first day back to school, blah. I wanna transfer to Freehold Township, after this semester is done. But I know, my mom will say no because she sucks. I'm going to get so many after school detentions tommorow, oh god. Blah.
Did I mention I really miss my N64?
And that I dyed my hair, hah.