May 19, 2015 20:23
my name is christine.
this is freinds only.
i've never met a person called lyndsey in my life thats not a horrible person.
i like new people, so add me if you want : )
i like to take pictures and listen to music.
and to dance.
no promotions please : )
Apr 20, 2006 01:20
i'm really glad i didnt delete this journal.
i like reading old entries & being sentimental
#but i hate how short my hair was in my user picture.
i love broadband, and paul sending me music.
Aug 12, 2005 19:31
SUP EVERYONE, GO TO WWW.PRINCESTRUST.ORG.UK/SOUNDLIVE AT 8 O CLOCK TONIGHT and listen to spunk monkeys, because its pauls band and hes well cool.
! do it yo.
im going to a costume party then, so i cant listen:(
Jul 24, 2005 17:03
this song makes me happyyyyyy
Jul 10, 2005 18:05
i have a new layout
: )
Jul 08, 2005 22:44
does anyone know who sugarrush_05@hotmail.co.uk is?
because theyre weird.
& if they add you on msn.
dont add them back.
kthx :)
HAHAHA. cheskah its yr sister, she told me she was the grim reeper, cept she spelled grim with an e, and i blocked her. LOL@that.
Jul 04, 2005 23:25
way to be a big effing loserface msn 6.2 !"()*$£&!