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Aug 08, 2006 16:16

Today is the first day I've actually felt good. I had hula yesterday and today, and everyone there is just so amazing and supportive and wonderful, that's my family right there. I called everyone today, everyone who thought I like died haha. A lot of my really tight friends have not heard from me in like two weeks, cuz I've been in Texas and then all that shit happened. So it was good to just let them know I'm alright, it made me feel better.

I kinda left everybody hangin with what was going on in my life, so I'll talk about that for a little bit. I went to Texas a week ago. It was pretty fun. I got a lot of nice clothes and a lot of free food with no effort at all, hehe. I like Texas.

Andres and I are done, again. That little tiff made him a lot more angry than I thought it would, he didn't talk to me the whole time I was in Texas. I guess he's talking to this girl Julissa now, she's Dominican and very pretty. She's kinda like...boring ghetto girl though, like airforces, jeans, white t. Nothin on me ;) Haha I say that jokingly, but everytime, without fail, he always comes crawling back to me, and this time is no different. Although he's going about it differently, he's only tried to talk to me like twice, but he's bugging Rachael and Andrew about it. Whatever, I have way too much shit going on right now to deal with his little kid shit.

SARGAENT MARTINEZ IS BACK. Kid has been BLOWIN MY SHIT UP, let me tell you. At first I was like, yea okay, I haven't chilled with Nate in forever, I'll hang out with him. But then I think about all that trash he spit about Julio, the stuff that made me dislike Julio without reason, and I just don't want anything to do with him. Like that's lying just to lie, there's no need for that shit. And that's grimy too, Julio is his boy. That makes me lose a lot of respect for him.

But yea, what else? This is my last week of camp. I'm all sad about it :( It's weird, I haven't talked about camp much at all on here this summer. There's this new counselor named Gaby that I've been hanging out with, she's really cool. She's really into cultural dance like me, and she does this Bolivian dance called Caporales that I'm going to start taking. They have a performance at this big festival on August 12 in Providence. I can't wait, it's going to be so much fun. And of course the bangin Bolivian boys aren't going to hurt me either, hehe ;) Oh you know it.

I have three hula performances in August, one on the 5th, 19th, and 24th. I've been working like a dog, I love it :)

So yea since then has been pretty much the same.  I hung out with Nate a couple of days and he was blowing my phone up for like a week straight but now he doesn't know how to call anyone, and I sure as hell don't either.

About that though, I did change my number so all you hatin motherfuckers (more like STALKIN motherfuckers) are just gonna have to try to dig that up haha.  Nah I'm just playin if I haven't called you about the new number then I will this weekend, I'm tight on minutes.  Speaking of TIGHT...my new phone is the definition of.  It's one of those LG the V phones, shit was discontinued like yesterday so we had to go all the way to Manchester to get it.  But at $100 rather than $430 that's definitely worth it.

And about the whole Andres drama...we were kinda back to where we were, then he was having "little girl issues" which was perfect because I was having grown man issues haha.  Then the other day I SAW that little girl issue at the casino and at the same time he texted me talking about "hey gorgeous I miss you" and I was like I JUST SAW YOUR GIRL  haha and he called me.  He wants to hang out again, but GUESS WHAT we didn't talk yesterday.  I so just want to be DONE with all this.   
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