Miss me?

Sep 14, 2008 00:23

It's been a rather long while since I last was on. As in, dinosaurs may still have been around. Last semester just kind of sucked me in, then I spent the summer away from an internet connection, and presto bammo, nothing posted. I finally have caught up with Atlantis' season 4 and am semi-current on Season 5 (and let me just say, the second half of 4 into the beginning of 5 made for a crazy marathon. Elizabeth's dead! No, she's alive! No, she's an organic replicator! No, she's dead! No, she's back, but as a disembodied computer program!)

Regardless, I owe a massive apology to those of you who've been commenting and friending into a black hole here. I'm sorry! I'm going through and replying to the comments on everything I've got here and collecting anything posted elsewhere and forgotten, so please, have just a little more patience with me if you've lasted this long without writing me off.

Now for what's up (and upcoming): I'm futzing with formatting and tagging, but hopefully should not dreadfully screw up anyone's links to anything. I hope. As for the fic, I've got a few partial things floating around that will get posted when I'm finally happy with them, but I hate dead end WIPs, so they won't be posted unless I'm sure of them. You already knew that story though - you've got harddrives of your own, and I'm sure someone has an unfinished SGA/Days of our Lives crossover buried somewhere (I just hope it never leaves its nice, dusty subfolder).

More later, when I have more idea of what I have and have to do. In case you need cheering up, though, there's now a wii game to help with your aim: Super Pii Pii Brothers!  I am still somewhat skeptical as to how this is a profitable business venture, but hey, whatever floats your boat.


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