I took a better photo~
In other news, I am fairly sick. Or rather... I have a small cold that shouldn't be causing me any problems, but I am also not sleeping so well, so I am constantly ridiculously tired. I haven't gone to bed later than 9.30pm for the past couple of nights (goodness me, it's 10:09 now!).
I did a presentation on Japanese identity through fashion: Youth street-fashion culture in Harajuku, Japan today, and I think it went okay, considering I had to do it after the alloted class time, and I thought I was going to literally collapse whilst waiting (three hours) through others' talks. And I had to skim over it, since we were pressed for time. AND I BASICALLY WROTE THE WHOLE THING THAT MORNING.
Yeah, I think it went okay.
I have to write the whole 5000 word essay on Friday.
This is my fault, though.
Anywho, by Monday I will only have one essay to do, and I will have a week or so to do it, so...
(but it's boooooring as all heck and then some).
I am looking forward to starting the game of Pokemon (White) that I bought the other day! It's my Incentive!
narcolepticnemu tagged me in a meme, guys.
01. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
♚ a figurine of Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura that sits on the volume dial for my speakers. It's very pretty - it also has a sakura tree. It used to have a Kero, but he got lost, being so darn tiny as he was. It nostalgically reminds me of Akihabara from my first trip to Japan in 2008.
♚ A framed photo of Nomu-kun, Dai-chan and I outside Osaka castle at night. It was a going-away present from sweet Dai-chan. It nostalgically reminds me of our failures to do anything useful or exciting in Osaka that one time.
♚ An empty coffee cup from this morning, when I had coffee for breakfast, from the cafe across the way. (Not a bad drop).
♚ My certificate of participation in the exchange programme at Wakayama University. It is so pretty I framed it (although in a tragic accident, I smashed the glass in the frame). Much nicer than any graduation diploma will look, I am sure. There is gold and pheonix looking things and did I mention the gold?
♚ Owl lanterns strung across my window, although I haven't turned them on tonight.
02. Name the last 5 people you got texts from.
Er... Apparently in order of most recent to least recent
finding_jay♛ My sister
♛ My Dad (from Peru or somewhere)
♛ My other sister
03. What are you wearing now?
Casual decora, since I presented a talk on Harajuku fashion (and youth culture forging identities).
Lots of 6%DokiDoki accessories and a Carebears t-shirt and layers...
(Layers like a parfait, not an onion).
04. What's your occupation?
Student forever.
And all-round cafe minion (I guess that's food production, barista, waitperson?).
I miss when I could say Candy Maker (yes, that was the official title).
05. What do you hear right now?
Sinfonia in G by Bach, and the clack of keys.
06. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Currently it is the Tales of the Abyss anime series. It's SO BAD and SO GOOD.
Maybe watching something just to laugh at it isn't the best motive...? Who am I kidding, I know my friends XD
Maybe downloading a series so that one doujinshi porn you bought makes more sense also isn't a good reason....
07. Latest movie you watched?
Er... Actually, I think it might have been How to Steal a Million with the lovely Audrey Hepburn.
08. Write the first word that comes to mind.
Oh, er, did you mean a real word?
09. If you could punch someone in the face, who would it be?
Oooh, tough call.
I kind of want to slap Julia Gillard for being a homophobic athiest.
10. What song is currently stuck in your head?
I've been too tired to maintain that sort of thing. The most recent was an amazing Versailles mashup - when you are tired, you can get all the bridges and solos to sort of converge, so one song merges into about five almost seamlessly.
11. What was the last thing you bought?
DS games! I got Pokemon (White), Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days (yes! Axel/Roxas~~), Professor Layton and the Lost Future (on
claire_chan's recommendation), and Drawn to Life. Hey, there was a special at EB, okay.
Unless you count this morning's coffee.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I want to not say Japan, but really.... apparently I am fixated. There are other places I want to go, there really are, but I just.... want to visit Japan again first >__<;;
13. What are you reading?
About four different books at the moment.
Still got that History of Science one going - haven't picked it up in aaages. Also a tour guide to Fantasy by Dianna Wynne-Jones - it's pretty loltastic. Plus re-reading Hitchhiker's because I received a beautiful illustrated version for my birfday (from
14. Ever met any of your online friends in real life?
I don't think I have many lj friends that aren't RL friends.....
I would love to visit a certain somone in Sydney though...
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Writing an essay for which the deadline will have already passed, and sleeping.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I'd love to regain some piano skills, but more than that, I would love to rock the guitar.
I'm considering paying for lessons when I have spare cash (along with returning to Lindy, taking up Chinese, yoga, etc, etc, etc).
17. Last cultural event you participated at.
Depends on what you consider a cultural event, really.
I suppose doing a play in Japanese on Tuesday counts? We also had a group Q&A/conversation session with a Real Live Japanese Person.
Or er... that other thing... that I did... that one time....?
18. How do you view the world?
As a cynnic with child-like wonder.
19. What are you looking forward to the most?
Not being sick, not having assignments, not actually being at uni, not being in debt...
Playing things, reading things, writing things....
Going back to Japan...
The release of Holy Grail on June 15 (oh man, I hope it was June and not July). And the release of their mini tv-series, too. I can't wait for the lulzzzz.
Hangin out and chillin on Friday~
(WHUPS, it's 10:49. Way past sick!Cake's bed time =_____=;;;)